Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 848 The Man in Black Robe Sudden Appearance

Chapter 848 The Man in Black Robe Sudden Appearance
Not long after they left, two men in black robes appeared here.

One of them looked at it and asked, "What is this place?"

The other person shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be the way back, we went to the wrong space plane."

Who knew that as soon as the words were finished, the person who asked the question grabbed the person who answered and shook him, and said angrily, "You old man, you can go the wrong way like this, if you don't go back, you will be punished by Lord Huodi."

"Don't shake it, I'll find a way right away," said the old man.

The other person let him go after hearing the words, and said, "Hurry up."

There was no more shaking, the man made seals with his hands, drew strange runes, and finally wrote an opening character. He thought there would be some reaction, but it turned out...

Just a cold wind blowing...

At this time, the person who shook him simply took off the hat of the black robe, revealing his white hair, but his appearance was very young. She was a woman. She pointed to the person who drew the rune and said, " It depends on what you do now, there are only a few days, if we don't go back, the Fire Emperor will definitely be furious."

Hearing this, the man also took off the hat of the black robe, the same white hair, the same youthful face, but he was a man, and he said helplessly, "I don't want to either. Who knows when I pass by this space?" The channel of the plane is distorted here."

"Then what do we do now?" the woman asked.

"What can I do, I only stay here now, I'm trying to find a way to go back." After the man finished speaking, he looked around and murmured, "By the way, where is this place where birds don't shit and chickens don't lay eggs?"

The woman heard the words and said indifferently, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

After finishing the words, he walked forward. Damn it, it was all planned, how could the passage be twisted halfway...

"Where are you going?" the man asked and followed.

The woman looked back at him, and said angrily, "Of course I'm looking for a place with people, what kind of continent is this ghost place?"


On this side, when Feng Qianyu and the others returned to Qianye Courtyard, Mo Yao and the others had already returned, and the messy courtyard had also been tidied up.

Seeing Feng Qianyu and the others coming back, they quickly went up to greet them, and asked, "Qianyu, where have you been?"

Seeing their worried expressions, Feng Qianyu smiled slightly, and said, "We got rid of Qiongqi and Taotie, so that Firebird will be safe."

At this moment, Di Qianchen seemed to have collapsed. He held Yan Yan with one hand and held it up weakly with the other, and said to Mu Mu, "Aunt Mu Mu, water, I want water."

Seeing this, Mu Mu was shocked, and hurriedly said, "Chen'er, wait, I'll get it for you right away."

After saying that, he ran towards the living room like flying, and came out after a while, holding a teapot in his hand.

Seeing this, Di Qianchen felt as if he had seen a savior, he hurriedly picked up the teapot and poured out the tea, and began to drink it.

After drinking three cups together, he was relieved.

And Feng Qianyu walked into the room, brought Huo Niao out of the space, and carefully put her on the bed. Because of her back injury, she had to put her upside down.

Afterwards, Mu Mu and the others also came in, looked at the wound on Huo Niao's back, and said with some concern, "I don't know when Huo Niao will wake up like this?"

Feng Qianyu shook her head when she heard the words, expressing that she didn't know either.

Firebird, after all, is not a phoenix, I'm afraid it doesn't have the ability of a phoenix to be reborn from the ashes of fire...

(End of this chapter)

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