Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 852 Chili's Thoughts

Chapter 852 Chili's Thoughts

Seeing that Jing Yueli was really impatient, Chili waved his hand and said, "Okay, I understand, don't worry."

Seeing this, Jing Yueli snorted coldly and left the room.

"What are you being arrogant? If it wasn't for the Holy Master, you wouldn't know that you are still floating there." After Chili finished speaking disdainfully, he walked into the room and fell on the bed. Thinking back to the things from the blood domain to the present, he felt Somewhat unbelievable.

The blood domain clan has always been controlled by the princess Ji Wufeng. The princess is not kind, and she is definitely not a good person. The entire blood domain clan, everyone is not very good-looking.

Only the princess is a strange flower, although her appearance is not as beautiful as Feng Qianyu's, she is also amazing.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Master went to the blood domain, knocked the princess off the cliff, took control of them, and led them out of the blood domain to work for him, without knowing whether the princess was dead or alive.

Thinking of this, Chili sighed, feeling a little lonely in his heart, although the life in the blood domain was extremely boring, but it would not be like now, where life would be in danger at any time.

That man did what he said, if he didn't do what she said, then he would definitely die...

Thinking of this, Chili sighed again, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Feng Qianyu and Di Yexuan bought a lot of rare meat and ingredients in the market, and bought a lot before returning to Qianyeyuan.

Upon returning to Qianye Courtyard, Mu Mu was changing the medicine for Huo Niao, while Mo Yao and Ye Xuanyu and Di Qianchen were sitting in the pavilion waiting for them to come back.

As the sun set, the orange-red light enveloped the sky, which looked extremely beautiful. Yan Yan leaned to the left in the pavilion with his eyes closed.

The same goes for Di Qianchen, Mo Yao and Ye Xuanyu, are you waiting for them while closing your eyes and resting your mind?

Feng Qianyu put the meat on the stone table and shouted, "Over there, come and help."

In fact, Feng Qianyu and Di Yexuan knew it when they came back, and now that Feng Qianyu yelled, they all opened their eyes and walked over.

Looking at the meat on the stone table, Ye Xuanyu froze, is this the rhythm of eating them to death?
"Not enough." He looked at the meat.Yan Night said indifferently.

After everyone heard this, they realized that Yanyan is a monster, and such a little flesh is nothing to him.

But, brother, do you want to become a dragon and eat with them?
The corner of Feng Qianyu's mouth twitched, and he flicked his forehead lightly with his fingers, and said, "Just eat it in human form, otherwise, I will stew you."

There were three black lines falling from the forehead of Yan Yan, did he say that because he saw that they couldn't finish eating?

Di Yexuan also smiled and said, "Dragon meat is very good."

Hearing this, Yan Yan looked at Di Yexuan and shouted, "Young Xie, your flesh should also be very healthy."

Seeing this, Feng Qianyu shook her head helplessly, Ye Xuan and Yan Yan are indeed friends who are so familiar that they can no longer be familiar with each other!

Hearing the sound from outside, Mu Mu in the room also came out after changing her medicine, and said to several people, "It's still troublesome, if you want to eat barbecue, please help Qian Yu."

After hearing the words, several people were unambiguous, and quickly arranged the materials, meat, and things that needed to be grilled.

Seeing this, Feng Qianyu and Mu Mu washed the meat, and then mixed the sauce.

After preparing these things, the night slowly fell. After a few people tidied up, they hung more lanterns than usual in the yard, which illuminated the yard even more.

(End of this chapter)

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