Heaven is the Phoenix

Chapter 886 I have no intention

Chapter 886 I have no intention

The sky just stood there, watching these runes disappear, and the scorching sun that bloomed in the darkness gradually withered, because the golden light illuminated the black hell!
Knowing that all the runes had disappeared, the long-silent Black Hell Palace shone brightly!

At this moment, Feng Qianyu, who was staying with everyone in Qianyeyuan, suddenly felt a pain in his head, and he couldn't explain what was going on!

"Yu'er, what's wrong?" Sitting beside her, Di Yexuan asked worriedly as he watched her frowning in pain!

Hearing this, Feng Qianyu raised her head, looked at the crowd, and said with some discomfort, "I feel that the seal that suppresses the black hell has disappeared!"

Jiwufeng and Chili didn't know what the Black Hell was yet, so they didn't show any other expressions except doubts, but Mu Mu and Ye Xuanyu were different, they knew clearly what the coming of the Black Hell meant.

Now that one mysterious man is not enough, but the seal of the black hell was broken at this time, is the land of gods doomed to perish?
In the Moon God Temple, the man in red sat on a high seat, felt the breath in the air, and smiled lightly, "Kang Qiong, finally came out, I have been waiting for a long time!"

In the land of no one, in the sealed crystal coffin, a beautiful woman opened her eyes suddenly, the red lotus on her forehead flashed a faint light, she stretched out her hand, the powerful force shattered the ice coffin, her calm eyes Mou looked at it, and slowly stood up from the coffin!
The hidden people all moved in the spread of this dark breath!

The Continent of Gods is turbulent, and it is about to face real darkness!

The source of the talisman had disappeared, and the four guardians ran into the palace excitedly, knelt down in front of the sky, and said happily, "Congratulations to the gods for being free and breaking the seal!"

Sky looked at them, laughed wildly, and said, "Summon the army of Black Hell, and let them stand by. This deity is about to bring Black Hell to God's Continent!"

"Yes." The three guardians responded and left immediately.

They have been training the army of the Black Hell since they left the palace, and now is the time to use it...

Watching the three people leave, Feng slowly stood up, sighed helplessly, and asked, "Shen Jun, are you really going to slaughter those people?"

He knew that the emperor would leave the valley first, and use Leiyun Kingdom as a foreshadowing to announce to the world!

Announce his appearance, announce the existence of Black Hell!
When Cang Qiong heard the words, his black eyes flickered, and he said indifferently, "Feng, you should know that I have no intentions."

After all, he turned and entered the palace!

Really careless?If it was really unintentional, why did you let her go in the first place?

Shaking his head helplessly, Feng quickly followed Cang Qiong into the palace. As soon as he entered the palace, Feng saw him standing in front of the painting. Under his astonished gaze, Cang Qiong raised his hand and destroyed the painting that had been preserved for a long time!

Seeing this, Feng didn't say anything, just looked at it like that!

After standing for a long time, Cang Qiong suddenly turned around and said, "Let's go."


In the center of God's Continent, Feng Qianyu stood quietly in the courtyard, looking at the dark sky and wondering what she was thinking.

After a long silence, Feng Qianyu disappeared in place with a thought.

Seeing her disappear, Mu Mu originally wanted to ask, but seeing that Di Yexuan didn't speak, she didn't ask.

After waiting for a while, Feng Qianyu appeared, bringing Huo Niao, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, with her!
"Huo Niao." Mu Mu stood up, walked around behind Huo Niao, stroked the scar with her hand, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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