The chief only pet cute baby is coming

Chapter 47 Moving Forward 47

Chapter 47 Moving Forward 47
At 09:30, the four of them went to the parking space in front of the restaurant together, "Sunny, drive carefully."


Cheng Qing drove home, and her thoughts drifted back to the past. It turned out that Xiang Xu cherished words like gold and kept silent just like in the game.The chatting just now was all the voices of her, the gang leader and the deputy gang leader, and Xiang Xu only responded occasionally to prove that he was still there.

When the third class was over on Monday morning, Cheng Qing received a call from Xu Liling, hoping that she could go to the kindergarten to take care of her for two hours. She had something urgent to go home at noon.

Cheng Qing agreed.

Xu Liling's class is a small class, with [-] children in each class.As for Cheng Qing's two hours of substituting, she only needs to take care of the children's lunch and nap at noon.In addition to her one teacher, there are two other teachers who will complete it together.

Cheng Qing walked to the kindergarten according to the school map, found the small (two) class, and heard the cry of the children as soon as she walked to the door.

She walked into the classroom and immediately received all eyes from the class.

One of the 30-year-old female teachers walked up to Cheng Qing holding the crying boy, "Are you Teacher Cheng?"

"I am, I'm here to take Lily's class. What should I do now?"

"Kids, this is Teacher Cheng, everyone should make a good impression on Teacher Cheng." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the lunch box in front of the podium, "Now we have to divide meals for the children."


Cheng Qing knelt on the carpet, trying to be as tall as the children, "Kids, go back to your seats, it's time for us to eat!"

A boy threw himself into Cheng Qing's arms, hugged her waist and shouted, "Mom!"

Cheng Qing didn't see the boy's appearance clearly, she lowered her hands, "Uh, you must have mistaken him!"

The boy raised his head, "Mom, have you forgotten me?"

Only now did Cheng Qing see the boy's appearance clearly, she felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she met him.

"I'm moving forward."

"I remembered, you are moving forward, you are in kindergarten here!"


Seeing this scene, the children stepped forward one after another, "Moving forward, is Teacher Cheng your mother?"

"Your mother is a teacher!"

"But why you don't look like your mother at all."

Cheng Qing's thoughts drifted back to a year and a half ago, when she returned to China for Christmas, and on the day she returned to the United States, she went to the food street in the downtown square of A alone while she still had some time, and a boy called her at the gate of KFC Mother.


Cheng Qing saw a dark man standing behind a boy, and the boy ran up to her, "Mom, this strange uncle said he wants to take me to a fun place, mom, can I go?"

When Cheng Qing heard what he said, she immediately raised her vigilance, knelt down and said to the boy, "Honey, didn't mom tell you not to talk to strangers, let alone play with strangers."

"Mom, I remember everything you said."

Cheng Qing looked at the boy's alert eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his face, signaling to reassure him.

Seeing that something was wrong, the swarthy man turned around and was about to run, but was caught by the police ambushing nearby.

A middle-aged policeman walked up to Cheng Qing, "He is related to a major child trafficking case, and we have been secretly monitoring him. We need you and your child to go to the police station to make a record."

"Uh, uncle policeman, I'm not the mother of this child." After finishing speaking, he squatted down, "Little friend, where are your parents? Are you lost?"

"I don't have a mother, my father is at work, I am not lost, I am going home by car."

"Do you know how to get home by car?"

"I know!"

Looking at the little boy, the policeman immediately understood that the scene just now was for the traffickers, and couldn't help sighing, "This kid is really smart."

"Little friend, do you know your father's mobile phone number? The police uncle will call your father and ask him to pick you up."

"I know Dad's mobile phone number." After finishing speaking, he opened his backpack and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Cheng Qing stood aside, sighing in her heart: such a young child has a mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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