Chapter 782
With an order from the leader of the robbers, the bandits who were besieging other people not far away slowly surrounded Xiao Chen.Lin Fang'er was very anxious, his body was getting more and more injured, blood was stained with blood.

Lin Fang'er was secretly anxious, if this continued, the two of them would definitely die.Suddenly, a staggering Lin Jianer fell, followed by a sharp knife, which was about to stab her.

Lin Jian'er was quick to wit, grabbed the mud and sand under his body and threw it at the bandit. The bandit didn't guard against it, and the sand directly entered his eyes, causing him to be so painful that he couldn't open his eyes.

Lin Fang'er grabbed another handful of sand and pinched it in his hands, and seeing the right moment, he swayed towards the bandits.Xiao Chen immediately understood Lin Fang'er's intentions, and the two of them rushed out in that direction, regardless of whether that direction was a lush jungle.

The leader of the robbers saw the two of them fleeing into the forest, "Don't let them escape, go after them."

Everyone entered the dense forest to catch up, while the few people from the Lin's business outside got a gap and broke out of the encirclement, and ran back to the city to fetch reinforcements.

Lin Fang'er looked at the injuries all over her body, tears rolled in her distressed eyes.

Xiao Chen asked nervously and worriedly: "Are you injured?"

Lin Jian'er shook her head, he protected her very well, there were only a few broken skins and no major wounds.

"No. We have to hurry, they won't let us go."


The two didn't dare to stay at all, and kept going deep into the dense forest.

The bandits kept chasing after them.

"Boss, there's blood here."

"Go this way."

A group of people cheered and chased in the direction where the bloodstain disappeared. After they left, the two people who were hiding in the grass not far away slowly leaned out.

The two headed in the other direction.

The injuries on Xiao Chen's body were too serious, coupled with the running along the way, his face gradually turned pale, if not for his strong body, he would have already collapsed.

"We'll rest here for a while. They won't find us."

Xiao Chen shook his eyes that were getting more and more blurred, and said with strength: "No, it's not safe here." The sky is about to get dark, and the danger in the dark mountain is not people, but beasts.

He absolutely couldn't let her have trouble, Xiao Chen took off the bloody clothes on his body.

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing?" Lin Fang'er looked at him puzzled, wanting to stop him but afraid of touching the wound on his body.

"The smell of blood will attract wild animals." Xiao Chen explained.

"let me help you."

They took off the blood-stained clothes outside. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and they found a cave where they could hide before dark.Lin Fang'er picked up dead grass outside and lit a fire in the cave, and the flames dispelled the darkness in the cave.

"I'll go outside the cave to find something to eat." Lin Jian'er turned around and saw that Xiao Chen had passed out.

Lin Jian'er's heart tightened, and she hurriedly inspected the wound on his body, looking at the flesh-turned wound, her tears could no longer control the dripping of Balabala.

"Xiao Chen, I won't let anything happen to you."

Holding a knife, Lin Fang'er took advantage of the sunset light to search for the herbs she knew well in the jungle.After it was completely dark, Lin Fang'er limped into the cave, holding a handful of herbs in his hand.

As soon as he entered the cave, he saw Xiao Chen was about to get up, and hurried forward.

"what happened?"

Xiao Chen blushed, "I didn't see you, so I wanted to find you."

"I just went out to find something. You are a patient now, don't move. Look what I found." Lin Jianer put the herbal medicine in his hand in front of him.

"I'll put it on for you."

(End of this chapter)

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