ace warm marriage

Chapter 1000 Bartering

Chapter 1000 Bartering ([-])

It can be seen that the wall has been painted, but how did she know that the wall was picked up by him?
Could it be that she is a fairy, so she can count?
Sheng Fenghua originally just guessed casually, but seeing Xiaodouzi's appearance, he guessed right.Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking of those evidences.

If the wall was made by Xiaodouzi, then is it also in Xiaodouzi's hands?

Thinking of this possibility, Sheng Fenghua felt a little excited, and replied with a smile: "Auntie guessed."

"By the way, Xiaodouzi, why did you tear down the wall? Could it be that there are treasures on the wall?" Sheng Fenghua tried to follow Xiaodouzi's words, and wanted to see if he would pick up the wall when he pulled up the wall. that evidence.

Xiaodouzi took a look at Sheng Fenghua, and then said solemnly: "Auntie, you guessed wrong this time. There is no treasure on this wall, but there is a package of paper. There are words written on it, but unfortunately I am too young to recognize the characters. Too much, I don’t understand it at all.”

Sheng Fenghua was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Auntie is literate, are the things still there? Auntie can help you look."

"Really?" Xiaodouzi beamed with joy.However, soon his face fell down again, and he said: "It's useless if Auntie can read, that thing is no longer in my hands."

"It's not in your hands?" Sheng Fenghua was a little nervous. If it was in Xiaodouzi's hands, she might take it back if she coaxed it.But now, Xiaodouzi said that he was no longer in his hands.

Where did this thing go?
It seems that it is really not easy to obtain this evidence.

Could it be that she wants to give up?Then listen to your father and stop looking into the past?But she couldn't do it, not only to help her grandfather's family get justice, but also for her future safety.

She didn't want to leave a time bomb, and it would blow up without knowing when. This feeling was very bad, and she didn't like it, so she had to find evidence as much as possible, and then she knew that those people would be bad for her.

"Yes!" Xiaodouzi nodded and said, "I gave the things to my mother and asked her to keep them for me. She said that when I grow up and can read more characters, I will return them to me."

"Well, then Auntie can't help you." Sheng Fenghua looked regretful.Thinking to herself, it seems that if she wants to get the evidence, she should start with Yu'e.

However, I don't know if Yu'e still keeps that thing, I'm afraid she has already thrown it away, or given it to someone else.

Anyway, at least now there are clues.As long as the investigation continues, you will always know.

Sheng Fenghua stayed with Xiaodouzi in the room for a while, taught him to do his homework for a while, and played with him for a while. It seemed that half an hour had passed, and it was time for Aunt Wang and the others to discuss the results.

So, she was going to go out to see the situation.

And at this moment, the door was knocked, and Wang Xiaohua's voice came.

"Doctor Sheng, we have already discussed it."

Hearing Wang Xiaohua's words, Sheng Fenghua smiled and patted Xiaodouzi's head, and said, "Xiaodouzi, auntie is going out first."

Sheng Fenghua left Xiaodouzi's room, came to the living room, glanced at Zhengdong and Yu'e who were sitting, sat down on the chair, and said, "It's decided, should I watch it or not?"

"Look, look, doctor, let's see!" Before Zhengdong could speak, Yu'e spoke first.As a woman, who wouldn't want to have a flesh and blood?

After hearing Yu'e's words, Sheng Fenghua cast his eyes on Zhengdong and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhengdong glanced at Yu'e, and then said: "Just look at it!"

A desperate tone.

 Thanks to Ronaldo, for the reward of breaking the strings and playing Liyin, flying freely, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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