ace warm marriage

Chapter 1002 Using Things to Balance

Chapter 1002 Using Items to Balance ([-])

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Yu'e and said, "Tomorrow night, we will have another injection."

After walking out of the room, Wang Xiaohua came forward and asked, "Doctor Sheng, how are you doing?"

"I have to do another injection. As for the medicine, I have to wait until I get back."

"Excuse me, Dr. Sheng, how much is the outpatient fee?"

"Aunt Wang, let's talk about the consultation fee later." Sheng Fenghua smiled, she didn't plan to charge the consultation fee or anything.

However, it was true that she wanted to get that evidence back from Yu'e.

"That's so embarrassing, we can't let you go for nothing, can we?" Wang Xiaohua laughed, she felt that Sheng Fenghua was just being polite.

Sheng Fenghua didn't say much, but put the silver needle back into the medicine box.

Now, the illness is gone, it's getting late, and she is going to go back.

So, she picked up the medicine box, and said to Wang Xiaohua and the Zhengdong and Yu'e couples who had just come out of the room: "It's getting late, I'm going back first, and I'll come back tomorrow night."

"Doctor Sheng, wait, I'll take you back." Wang Xiaohua chased after Sheng Fenghua while talking.

"No need, Aunt Wang, it's only a few steps away, it's fine." Sheng Fenghua smiled and shook his head, not wanting Wang Xiaohua to see her off.

"You belong to a girl's family. I don't worry about it. I'd better give it to you." Wang Xiaohua followed Sheng Fenghua out of the yard no matter what Sheng Fenghua said.

Seeing Wang Xiaohua off to see Sheng Fenghua off, Yu'e stretched out her hand to push Zhengdong, and said, "Honey, you go to see off Dr. Sheng, I'll talk to my sister-in-law."

Zhengdong glanced at Yu'e, and then stepped up to catch up.

"Sister-in-law, let me see Dr. Sheng off. Yu'e wants to talk to you."

After hearing Zhengdong's words, Wang Xiaohua stopped in her tracks, then glanced at Sheng Fenghua, laughed, and said, "Doctor Sheng, since Zhengdong wants to send you off, then I won't."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to Zhengdong and said, "Zhengdong, you have to send Dr. Sheng home safely, or I won't spare you."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry."

Sheng Fenghua actually didn't want to see him off in Zhengdong, but seeing that he had already stepped forward, he still didn't say the words of rejection in the end.

She said goodbye to Wang Xiaohua, then followed Zhengdong back to her place of residence.

The yards of the two families are not far away, and they will arrive soon.Zhengdong stood at the gate of the courtyard, watched Sheng Fenghua go in, and locked the door before turning around and going home.

Besides, Wang Xiaohua returned to the living room with Yu'e after Zhengdong sent Sheng Fenghua away.

As soon as she sat down, Yu'e asked.

"Sister-in-law, is Dr. Sheng reliable?"

"What's wrong?" Wang Xiaohua looked at Yu'e with a puzzled expression.I don't understand why she suddenly asked this question.

"Sister-in-law, don't you think Dr. Sheng is too young? I heard that those doctors with good medical skills are all old. But she looks like she is only 20 years old. She can really cure Zhengdong's disease." sick?"

"Yu'e, don't you believe in sister-in-law, or in Dr. Sheng?" Wang Xiaohua's face darkened slightly after hearing this.It was so hard for her to invite Sheng Fenghua to treat the couple, and Yu'e even became suspicious.

Not to mention that Sheng Fenghua cured Mr. Ye's illness, but that she treated people in the village this afternoon, no one said that she was not good at medicine.

No one else can invite them even if they want to.But this Yu'e is good, she helped to invite the man, and she also treated the illness, and she even doubted the other party's medical skills, which made her really not know what to say.

 The first three changes, no manuscripts saved, but I have to sign up now. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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