ace warm marriage

Chapter 1004 Using Things to Balance

Chapter 1004 Using Items to Balance (V)

Seeing Sheng Fenghua coming, the old branch secretary smiled instantly and said, "Doctor Sheng, I'm going to trouble you again today."

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then sat down on the chair without entering the room, and started working.

Sitting down is a whole morning.It wasn't until Ning Minglie came to call Sheng Fenghua for lunch that he stopped.

Sheng Fenghua looked up and saw that there were not many teams left, only a dozen people, so he said to Ning Minglie: "Father, there are not many people left, let's eat after watching."

Ning Minglie frowned slightly, just about to say something.No, those villagers who lined up said, "Doctor Sheng, you should go to eat first. We will see it in the afternoon and it will be the same."

"That's right, Doctor Sheng, eat first, and it's the same if you come to show us after you finish."

"That's right, Dr. Sheng, we won't delay your meal."

After the villagers finished talking in a hurry, the old branch secretary also spoke, saying: "Dr. Sheng, since everyone has said so, you should go to eat first. Then they will see when the meal will start. Good number."

"That's fine. It's 12:30 now. Come back at two o'clock." Sheng Fenghua told the time, and the villagers wrote down the time and left.

After the villagers left, Sheng Fenghua said goodbye to Laozhi Village, and then went back to have dinner with Ning Minglie.

At two o'clock, Sheng Fenghua arrived at the village committee, and the villagers arrived around the same time.What surprised Sheng Fenghua was that there were only a dozen people, but suddenly there were half more.

Looking at the extra half of the people, Sheng Fenghua didn't care too much.On the other hand, after Laozhi Village came, he saw those people, his expression became a little bad, and he asked, "Why are you here?"

"Old party secretary, what's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help asking when he heard the old party secretary's tone was wrong.

"They are not from Gujia Village."

"Not from Gujia Village?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, looked at the dozen or so extra people, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Say, what's the matter with you, why did you come to our village?" The old branch secretary asked with a serious face.At first glance, these people heard the news from nowhere and came here to take advantage of it.

"Old party secretary, we heard that a powerful doctor came to your village, and he treated people for free, so we came to have a look."

"Going back, Dr. Sheng is giving free medical treatment to people in our village, and didn't he say that it's free for everyone?"

Sheng Fenghua watched the old branch secretary solve the matter, but he didn't speak, but concentrated on diagnosing the villagers' pulse.

Just as he was feeling his pulse, one of those who were chased away by the old branch secretary suddenly ran up to Sheng Fenghua and shouted in surprise, "Er, Erya, are you Erya from Sheng's second family?"

Hearing the other party's words, Sheng Fenghua raised his head and took a look at the other party, but he didn't recognize him.Therefore, she did not speak, but glanced at the old branch secretary.

The old branch secretary thought that Sheng Fenghua knew this person, but now seeing that she didn't speak, he immediately said, "What are you, don't shout here. Go, go, go, where did you come from? We don't know where you are from in Gujia Village." Welcome."

However, the expelled person was unwilling to leave, and shouted at Sheng Fenghua again, saying, "Erya, I am your Sixth Uncle Sheng, you don't know me anymore?"

"I don't know!" Sheng Fenghua frowned, and said a few words lightly.She didn't know much about those people in Shengjia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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