ace warm marriage

Chapter 1009 Using Items to Balance

Chapter 1009 Using Items to Balance ([-])

"I also have that intention." Sheng Fenghua raised his hands in favor of Ning Minglie's decision.The things are already in hand, it's time to go back.

"Okay, let's leave early tomorrow morning." Ning Minglie felt that the sooner he left, the better. If it wasn't because of the inconvenient transportation here, he wished he could leave now.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, she was fine, even if she left now, it would be fine.But Ning Minglie is different, he just recovered from a serious illness, so he shouldn't be too tired.In addition, it is quite dangerous to walk the mountain road at night.

After discussing the time to leave, Sheng Fenghua went back to the room.

Once back in the room, she took the booklet and entered the space.Since someone is already following her, it's better to hide this thing.

After hiding the things, Sheng Fenghua took out a gun from the space and put it in the medicine box.She did this just in case, if someone stopped them along the way, she would not sit still.

Putting the gun away, Sheng Fenghua lay down on the bed with his clothes on, and fell into a light sleep.She was a little worried that those people would come at night, so she didn't dare to sleep too deeply.

Sheng Fenghua's worry was not unreasonable, because there was movement in the yard in the middle of the night.After hearing the movement, Sheng Fenghua straightened up like a carp and jumped up from the bed.

She got out of bed quietly, walked to the window and listened quietly to the movement outside, and then judged how many people were coming.

One, two, three, four, five, a total of five people came from the other party. Sheng Fenghua returned to the bed, took out the gun from the medicine box, and then walked out of the room lightly, to the next door. Go to the room where Ning Minglie lived.

Now, she is not worried about herself, but Ning Minglie, so she has to guard in front of his door.

As soon as Sheng Fenghua arrived at the door of Ning Minglie's room, there was a movement from the door.She knew that the other party was trying to pry open the door, so she couldn't help but her eyes turned cold, and she dodged to the back of the door.

The door was opened by someone outside after a while, revealing a crack.As the gap grew wider, a black head poked in.

The person with the probe carefully looked into the room before stepping in.

However, as soon as he entered the house, a gun was pushed into the back of his waist.The people who came here were startled and opened their mouths to warn, but Sheng Fenghua knocked him unconscious with a quick step.

Fainting one, Sheng Fenghua quietly put him on the ground, and then went back to wait behind the door again.

The people outside waited for a while, but did not hear any movement inside, thinking that the house was safe, so another person came in through the crack of the door.

Sheng Fenghua repeated his old trick and knocked people out again.

Then there was the third, fourth, and fifth person, but something went wrong and he was discovered by that person.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the fifth person turned around and was about to run.Sheng Fenghua watched, his face darkened, he raised his hand and shot the opponent directly.

Fortunately, she installed a silencer on that gun, so it didn't make any loud noises.

The fifth man was shot and fell to the ground, but did not die.Because Sheng Fenghua hit the opponent's leg just to prevent him from running.

Seeing the man fell down, Sheng Fenghua didn't care about the four fainted people in the room for the time being, but went out the gate and walked towards the man who fell in the yard.

She walked up to the man, took out the flashlight and shone it on the man's face.

It was a strange face, she didn't know it, and she had never seen it in Gujia Village.Sheng Fenghua frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are you?"

 The tenth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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