ace warm marriage

Chapter 1013 Say yes or no

Chapter 1013 Say Yes or Not ([-])

"Old branch secretary, that Zhuangzi is so magnificent, how long has it been built?"

"Count it up, it's almost seventeen or eighteen years."

"Seventeen or eighteen years, so long."

"No, it's been so long."

After chatting with the old branch secretary, Sheng Fenghua heard a lot about Gu Yue Villa.At this time, it was getting late, Sheng Fenghua took out his mobile phone, called the dispatcher, and called the police.

The old branch secretary stayed until the police came and watched them take the five people away.

The police took away five people, Sheng Fenghua said to Ning Minglie: "Father, this place is not safe anymore, let's leave first."

So, the father and daughter said goodbye directly to the old branch secretary, packed up their things, and left in a tricycle.

And this courtyard where Ning Minglie lived for more than a year was also directly retired.

When they arrived in the town, Sheng Fenghua asked Ning Minglie and Lin Feng to leave first, saying that she would go back to Shengjia Village by herself.Ning Minglie didn't think too much, and told Sheng Fenghua that they would wait for her in the city.

After the father and daughter separated, Sheng Fenghua did not return to Shengjia Village, but found a guest house to live in.Today, after hearing the man say that there is a person who looks exactly like her in Gu Yue Villa, she wants to go to the villa to see if that person is what she thinks.

That is, that person is her mother, Ye Qingge.Because, in this world, the only person who can look like her is Ye Qingge.

Sheng Fenghua stayed in the guest house for a day, staying in the room except for eating.In the evening, after dinner, Sheng Fenghua set out fully armed.

Taking advantage of the darkness, she galloped on the road to Gu Yue Villa.Although the Guyue Villa was built on the back hill of Gujia Village, there was a separate road leading up to it.

So, after arriving at Gujia Village, Sheng Fenghua didn't enter the village, but walked directly on the main road to Guyue Villa.

Gu Yue Villa was built on the mountainside, and Sheng Fenghua walked for about an hour to get there.

When he got outside the villa, Sheng Fenghua walked around the villa, found a place that was easier to climb over the wall, and entered the villa.

I don't know if the people in the villa are too careless, or they are too confident.The defense in the villa was not tight, Sheng Fenghua easily entered, and headed towards the lit courtyard.

The yard is brightly lit.In the main hall, a man in a suit was sitting on a chair, and several men were kneeling below.If Sheng Fenghua were here, he would definitely find that these men were none other than the ones she had sent to the police station with one phone call.

"Trash, idiots, a few big men were tricked by a woman." The man in the suit looked at his subordinates and cursed.

Four or five big men can't beat a woman, it's really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Several men were so scolded that they didn't dare to lift their heads, let alone speak in defense.

When Sheng Fenghua approached quietly, he heard the voice of a man scolding others.After listening to a few sentences, Sheng Fenghua immediately understood who was kneeling in the room.

After knowing who those people were, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened.She didn't expect that the people she sent in in the morning would be released in the evening.

It seems that the relationship between the people in this villa and the police station is very good, otherwise they would not have released them so soon.

Fortunately, she just came across this incident during her visit.Otherwise, if she really wants to use those people, she will inevitably be betrayed.

Sheng Fenghua squatted under the wall, quietly listening to the man's training.After squatting like this, half an hour passed.

(End of this chapter)

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