ace warm marriage

Chapter 1024 Mother and Daughter Meet

Chapter 1024 Mother and Daughter Meet (V)

Sheng Fenghua was in a hurry, so during the fight, he had a silver needle in his hand, which made those people suffer a lot.

In order to get rid of these people as soon as possible, Sheng Fenghua also worked hard.As long as the opponent's attack is not her vitals, she will not dodge or dodge, and let them attack her.

And she, taking advantage of this opportunity of being close, pierced the silver needle into the opponent's acupuncture point.By the time she put everyone down, more than ten minutes had passed.

After those people were brought down, Sheng Fenghua didn't delay any longer, he stepped forward and took Ye Qingge's hand and ran away.

After following Sheng Fenghua for a few steps, Ye Qingge stopped, looked at the people lying on the ground, and asked, "Feng, Fenghua, are these people okay?"

"It's okay, I'll wake up at dawn." Sheng Fenghua just knocked these people out, not killing them.

"That's good, that's good." Ye Qingge felt relieved.

"Let's go!" After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he took Ye Qingge out of the dungeon and walked towards the gate of the villa.At this time, except for a few illuminated lamps, there was no light in the villa.

Those who watched the night also went back to rest.For this reason, Sheng Fenghua brought Ye Qingge to the gate of the villa easily.

Glancing at the locked gate, Sheng Fenghua took out a thin wire from his body, and then fiddled with it.

After a while, she unlocked the lock, opened the door, and walked out with Ye Qingge.

After leaving the villa, the two rushed to the small town by night.However, after not walking for a long time, Ye Qingge couldn't move anymore.

She has been imprisoned for too long, and she is also very old, so her legs and feet are not very flexible.

"Fenghua, I can't move anymore, you can go by yourself." Ye Qingge said to Sheng Fenghua panting after he stopped.She knew that Sheng Fenghua was also a drag with her.

"Mother, what are you talking about? If you want to go together, I won't leave you alone." Sheng Fenghua also stopped, looked at Ye Qingge and said.

Since she rescued Ye Qingge, there was no reason to abandon her.

"Okay, I'll take a break."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua sat down beside Ye Qingge, while being vigilant.Although they had already left Gu Yue Villa, there was no guarantee that no one in the Villa would find out.

In case the people in the villa find out and chase after her, she should be prepared.

Sheng Fenghua's worry was not superfluous.When they hadn't had a long rest, she heard the movement from the villa.

It seems that someone found out, and then dispatched manpower to find them.

"Mother, people from the villa are here." Sheng Fenghua turned his head to look at Ye Qingge and said.

"What, they're chasing you?" Ye Qingge was startled, and then said to Sheng Fenghua: "Fenghua, you go, I'll stay."

"No, I can't let you stay." Sheng Fenghua shook her head, how could she escape by herself and leave her mother behind.

Not to mention that once those people captured Ye Qingge, she would have a hard time in the future, but to say that those people would definitely not be reconciled if they only took Ye Qingge back, and they would definitely look for her everywhere.

No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't keep Ye Qingge behind.Now I can hide for a while, yes.If there is really no way to hide, then you can only bring Ye Qingge into the space.

"Fenghua, be obedient, you can definitely run out by yourself. But it will be difficult if you take me with you. So, don't worry about me, just run away by yourself."

"No, mother, I said I would take you away with me, and I will definitely take you away with me."

(End of this chapter)

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