ace warm marriage

Chapter 1026 Mother and Daughter Meet

Chapter 1026 Mother and Daughter Meet ([-])

"Really?" Ye Qingge couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true." Sheng Fenghua smiled, looked at Ye Qingge, and said, "Mother, trust me!"

"I really won't drag you down?" Ye Qingge was still a little worried, and asked again.

"Mother, why are you dragging me down?" Sheng Fenghua smiled, then took Ye Qingge's hand and walked back.She pulled Ye Qingge back into the woods again, then handed her the clothes she just took out from the space, and said: "Mother, change your clothes first, and I will put on your makeup later. In this way, those people Don't recognize us."

Ye Qingge glanced at the clothes on Sheng Fenghua's hand, then nodded.

Sheng Fenghua laughed, watched Ye Qingge take over the clothes, and said, "Mother, change quickly."

"Okay!" Ye Qingge took off the clothes he was wearing, and changed into the clothes Sheng Fenghua had prepared.It was a set of clothes worn by ordinary peasant women, and they fit fairly well.

After Ye Qingge changed his clothes, Sheng Fenghua took a look and was satisfied, then took out the prepared cosmetic box and started to make up Ye Qingge.

She wanted to dress Ye Qingge up as an ordinary rural woman, so that those people would not notice her.

To Sheng Fenghua, makeup was a trivial matter.In the previous life, in order to complete the task, she did not lack makeup to form all kinds of people.

Soon, Ye Qingge seemed to be a different person, not only his image but also his appearance.

After putting on makeup, Sheng Fenghua handed her a small mirror.Ye Qingge took the mirror, looked at it, and was immediately surprised.

She looked up at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Fenghua, is this me?"

"What do you think?" Sheng Fenghua laughed and asked, "How about it, your daughter and my skills are pretty good, right?"

Seeing the smile on Sheng Fenghua's face and listening to her words, Ye Qingge finally believed that the person in the mirror was himself.

After dressing up Ye Qingge, Sheng Fenghua began to change his clothes.She made herself look like a village girl, then stepped forward and took Ye Qingge's hand, and said with a smile: "Mother, it's fine, let's go."

The mother and daughter came out of the woods and walked towards the road.It happened to be the market today, so people started rushing to the town early in the morning.

Sheng Fenghua and Ye Qingge also pretended to be people going to the market, and went to the town.

At this time, in the town, the people from Gu Yue Villa arrived in the town and began to search for the traces of the two of them.They sent people to search the whole town, but found no one, so they asked several people to guard at the bus station.The rest of the people stood guard at the entrance of the town, preparing to sit on the sidelines.

As soon as Sheng Fenghua arrived in the town, he found the people guarding the intersection, slightly hooked his lips, and Ye Qingge swaggered past those people.

They put on makeup and changed their clothes, and those people couldn't recognize them at all.Therefore, Sheng Fenghua took Ye Qingge to the guest house easily, drove out the car left there, and headed towards the city.

When passing by the bus station, she took a special look and saw someone guarding her, so she couldn't help laughing.

The two left so easily, but none of the people guarding the town noticed.They waited for a long time, but they still didn't see anyone, so they sent people back to look for it.

It was already mid-afternoon when they found the clothes that Sheng Fenghua and Ye Qingge had changed into.At this time, Sheng Fenghua and Ye Qingge had already arrived in the city.

In the city, Ning Minglie stayed in the hotel and hadn't left yet. He was waiting for Sheng Fenghua, and then planned to go back to City A with her.

(End of this chapter)

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