ace warm marriage

Chapter 1029 Husband and wife embrace

Chapter 1029 Husband and wife embrace ([-])

There is also who is behind Ye Qingquan, why Ye Qingge is his cousin, but he still keeps her locked up.

After explaining to Dayong, Sheng Fenghua called Song Ning again and asked him to line up two people to secretly protect Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge.

She didn't know who the opponents were, nor how powerful they were, so she was still quite worried about the safety of her parents.

After making the phone call, Sheng Fenghua went to Ning Minglie's room again and told them that the flight ticket was booked.

Ye Qingge had no opinion on where to go.Now, with a husband and a daughter, I can go anywhere as long as I'm with them.

Ning Minglie started to pack his luggage after learning the time of the plane's departure.

Half an hour later, the group checked out and headed for the airport.Not long after they left, a black van stopped outside the hotel, and a dozen big men walked out of it.The leader is Ye Qingquan.He showed Ye Qingge's photo to the front desk of the hotel, and asked, "Have you seen this woman?"

The front desk glanced at the photo, and then said: "This person has been to our hotel, but he left half an hour ago."

"Where did they go?" Ye Qingquan asked.

"We don't know about this." The receptionist shook his head, and Ye Qingquan had no choice but to give up.Then walked towards the security guard in the hotel parking lot.

"Have you seen this person?" Ye Qingquan showed the photo to the security guard again.

"I've seen it, I just left not long ago."

"Which direction are they going?"

"That road, with luggage, looks like it might be going to the airport." The security guard pointed to the way Sheng Fenghua and the others left.

"Thank you!" Ye Qingquan thanked the security guard, then got into the car and chased towards the airport.

Sheng Fenghua and others didn't know that Ye Qingquan had been found, so they waited in the waiting room when they arrived at the airport and saw that there was still a while before the plane took off.

Besides, when Ye Qingquan knew that Sheng Fenghua and the others might be leaving by plane, he immediately urged the driver to drive faster.

The original 10-minute drive was abruptly shortened by half an hour.However, when their car arrived at the airport, Sheng Fenghua and others had already started to check the tickets.

Ye Qingquan led people into the waiting hall, looking for Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua and the others had already boarded the plane.So Ye Qingquan and his people searched several times, but they couldn't find any trace of them.

In this way, Ye Qingquan knew that the two might have left.So, he had no choice but to call the people above to find out which plane Sheng Fenghua and his party took and where they went.

After the call was made, Ye Qingquan and others were waiting at the airport.

When the people above Ye Qingquan found out the whereabouts of Sheng Fenghua and his party, Sheng Fenghua and the others had already arrived in City A.

Sheng Fenghua took his parents directly to his home, settled them down, watched them rest, and then went to the place where Dayong and the others lived.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Sheng Fenghua asked directly: "Dayong, have you found it?"

"Sister-in-law, we found it." Dayong nodded, and then told her about Ye Qingquan's background.

It turned out that Ye Qingquan was really Ye Qingge's cousin, the son of his uncle Ye Qingge.However, that uncle was an illegitimate child.

Because no one else knew, when the Ye family was wiped out, the illegitimate child saved his life.Later, for some unknown reason, this illegitimate son suddenly became rich overnight and became the richest man in City C.

(End of this chapter)

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