ace warm marriage

Chapter 1034 Husband and wife embrace

Chapter 1034 Husband and wife embrace (seven)

For this reason, they had no choice but to keep watch, and they kept watch for a whole morning.

"Young master, we have tried everything. But the security guards in this community are too stubborn. They say that they won't let you in without the owner's consent."

"Any other way?" Ye Qingquan frowned and asked again.

"I've thought about it, but the fence of this community is too high to climb up. Moreover, there are surveillance cameras installed on the fence."

After hearing this, Ye Qingquan didn't ask any more questions.However, he turned around and walked towards the wall.He had to find Sheng Fenghua and Ye Qingge as soon as possible, and bring them all back, otherwise he would die.

The person above said that if he didn't bring the person back within five days, he would be abolished directly.He didn't want to die, he was still so young, and he still had a lot of days to live.

Ye Qingquan walked around the community, and sure enough, as his subordinates said, the security measures in this community are well done.Compared with his Gu Yue Villa, it is nothing to look at.

Unable to find a way to break through, Ye Qingquan was extremely depressed.I didn't know what to do for a while, so I could only go back to the gate of the community.

However, before he got close to the gate, he saw his subordinates being taken away.Seeing this scene, Ye Qingquan was startled, who dared to step forward, turned around and ran away immediately.

I was afraid that if I ran too slowly, I would end up in the same fate as my subordinates.

Ye Qingquan ran fast and left the Huijing community very quickly.But he didn't dare to stop. He didn't dare to stop for a rest until he ran several intersections.

After taking a breath, he called the people above and told the situation here.

When the people above heard this, they felt the seriousness of the situation and the loss of control.Therefore, let Ye Qingquan not act rashly for the time being, and wait for the notice.

After hearing this, Ye Qingquan breathed a sigh of relief.Since the people above said so, it means that Sheng Fenghua is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, he can temporarily not worry about his own life.

Ye Qingquan found a hotel to live in, and then quietly waited for the order from above.After his subordinates were arrested, he didn't dare to go to Huijing District again.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, after returning home, called Si Zhanbei directly and asked him if he had any available manpower in G city.

Si Zhanbei has quite a wide network of people. Not only do he have a lot of retired soldiers, but he also has a lot of contacts in business.Moreover, there happened to be a branch of the KA Group in G city, so Sheng Fenghua could borrow a few people for use.

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Sheng Fenghua was relieved a lot.Although she had already planned to bring Song Ning to G City, and planned to bring a few more subordinates there, but she didn't know the place well.

Now, Si Zhanbei has someone who is familiar with City G, that would be great.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Fenghua called Song Ning again and told him his decision.Song Ning had always followed Sheng Fenghua's orders unconditionally.

So, after hanging up the phone, he started to prepare.He handed over the work first, and then personally selected five people to follow him.

The next day, Sheng Fenghua accompanied his parents on the plane to G city.Song Ning took the same flight with his men, so they arrived together.

After arriving in G City, Song Ning and the others did not go with Sheng Fenghua and the others, but took his men to find a taxi and stayed in a hotel.

Lin Feng returned to G City first, so when Sheng Fenghua and the others arrived, he was the one who picked it up in person.Lin Feng sent the three of them back to the place where Ning Minglie lived.

Ning Minglie lives in a three-story bungalow with a small garden beside the Yunlong Scenic Area in City G.

(End of this chapter)

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