ace warm marriage

Chapter 1042 Gu Family

Chapter 1042 Gu Family ([-])

In City B, when Si Zhanbei was about to take a break, he received a call from Dayong.

Although Dayong and the others lived on a different floor than Sheng Fenghua and the others, but as Si Zhanbei's subordinates and the people assigned to Sheng Fenghua's side to protect her, they were still very vigilant.So, after those people arrived, Dayong and Xiaoyong found out.

But because of the small number of people, there is no way to confront each other head-on.It wasn't until those people left that the two entered Sheng Fenghua's house with the key. After checking, they found out that the other party came from the sewer, and immediately called Si Zhanbei to report.

"Have you found out the other party's identity?" Si Zhanbei asked coldly.Someone dared to enter his house, it seems that the other party thinks he is a display.

"Found it, it's from the Gu family."

"The Gu family?" Si Zhanbei still has some impressions of this family. They are based in Province G, so they can be regarded as an aristocratic family there.

Moreover, it is rumored that like the Si family, they are an old family.

"That's right!"

"Send me a copy of their information."


Dayong hung up the phone and passed the information he found to Si Zhanbei.This information has just been found, and someone blocked it when they wanted to check it.Later, he had no choice but to find a hacker to find some information about the other party.

Then they searched further along the information, and found the Gu family directly.After such an investigation, he also found a lot of problems, but he couldn't explain clearly on the phone for a while.So I didn't tell Si Zhanbei directly.

However, he told Si Zhanbei his thoughts and conjectures in the email, so that he would know what to expect.

After Si Zhanbei received the information from Dayong, he immediately browsed it.

After reading the information and adding his previous understanding of the Gu family, Si Zhanbei's expression became serious.If he remembered correctly, his father-in-law's savior was a member of the Gu family.

If the things shown in these materials are true, then Gu Letian might have another purpose for saving his father-in-law.Thinking of this possibility, Si Zhanbei couldn't sit still, so he took out his phone and called Sheng Fenghua immediately.

Sheng Fenghua had just come out of the space when the phone rang.After seeing that it was Si Zhanbei calling, he was a little surprised.It's so late, why is he still calling?
After pressing the answer button, Sheng Fenghua asked with a smile: "Zhan Bei, why are you calling at this hour? Is there something urgent?"

"Fenghua, you have to be careful of people from the Gu family. Dayong just found out something related to the Gu family. They may be related to the Ye family's extermination."

"What did you say?" Sheng Fenghua was shocked, thinking that his father had always regarded the people of the Gu family as benefactors and had no defense against them at all, so he couldn't help but feel worried.

Moreover, she also thought of the poison on her father.Obviously, only those close to him can poison him for a long time.Because it is a chronic poison, it has been under it for at least two years.

"Fenghua, I will pass on the information to you in a while. Also, I will transfer some people to protect you and your father-in-law and mother-in-law." He has some people in G City, but if the Gu family is really the person behind the scenes , That manpower is definitely not enough.

For Sheng Fenghua's safety, he had to send more people over there.Of course, it's best to go there by yourself.

To be honest, he was really worried about letting his little wife face those tigers, wolves and leopards alone.

So, after thinking about it, Si Zhanbei decided to ask the trainer for a leave of absence.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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