ace warm marriage

Chapter 1046 Gu Family

Chapter 1046 The Gu Family ([-])

Since Sheng Fenghua intends to hand over the Ye Group to Song Ning, he naturally needs to have a good understanding of the Ye Group.

This kind of understanding is different from what Ning Minglie or people inside the Ye Group told him, and it can be regarded as an assessment of assets, manpower, and development prospects.

Especially for the insiders of the Ye Group, almost all of them have been investigated clearly.

After talking with Sheng Fenghua about the Ye Group, Song Ning reported to Sheng Fenghua about buying a real estate here.

The real estate he bought is not far from Ye's house, and it is also a villa, which can accommodate about a dozen people.He planned to ask his subordinates to live in the villa with him, so that if something happened to the Ye family, there would be someone to take care of him.

The two discussed for more than an hour before the discussion was over.Sheng Fenghua said goodbye to Song Ning and was going to meet his mother Ye Qingge.

But at this time, Ye Qingge encountered some troubles.When she was shopping in the mall, she saw a suit of clothes that was especially suitable for Sheng Fenghua, so she planned to buy it.

Speaking of which, Sheng Fenghua grew up so big, she, a mother, had never bought her clothes.It's rare to see a set of clothes that are close to the eyes and suitable for Sheng Fenghua today, so I really want to buy it and give it to her.

No, when she just told the waiter that she wanted to buy that suit, a jade hand had already taken the suit down first, and then said to the waiter, "I want this suit!"

No matter how good-tempered Ye Qingge was, he couldn't help getting angry when the clothes he liked were robbed by others.She turned her head to look at the woman who snatched the dress she wanted, and said, "Miss, I fell in love with this suit first."

"You fell in love with it first?" The woman looked Ye Qingge up and down, seeing that she was not well dressed, she immediately despised her.Moreover, she is also very clear about the people with brains and brains in G City, there is no one like Ye Qingge in this city.

For this reason, the woman looked down on Ye Qingge even more, and said mockingly: "Do you know how much this suit costs? Can you afford it? Country bumpkin?"

"How do you know that I can't afford it?" Ye Qingge looked at the woman in front of him indifferently. She has a good temper, but she doesn't have the habit of letting others step on her head.

Although, she didn't know how much money Ning Minglie had, nor did she know how much money was in the card that was given to her, but she knew that it was more than enough to buy this suit.

"Look at how poor you are, it's no wonder you can afford it. Look at the suit you're wearing, how much is it worth?" The woman said while pulling the clothes on Ye Qingge's body with her hands.

To be honest, the dress she was wearing was really worthless, it was worn in the villa before.It's not that she doesn't have clothes to wear, Ning Minglie bought her a lot of clothes, but she doesn't like publicity very much, and she doesn't plan to go out today, so she dresses casually.

But who knew, when she went out, she ran into a woman who looked down on others.

Zhang Jianan, who accompanied Ye Qingge out to protect him, only saw Ye Qingge picking out clothes, so he went to the bathroom.

I don't want to, as soon as I came out, I saw a woman teasing Ye Qingge.He couldn't help but sink his face, and strode forward.

"Stop!" Zhang Jianan shouted, and then grabbed the woman's hand forcefully.

"Who are you, dare to meddle in Miss Ben's business?" The woman's hand hurt from being scratched, she was very annoyed, she stared at Zhang Jianan and questioned loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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