ace warm marriage

Chapter 1050 Give a Confession

Chapter 1050 Give a Confession ([-])

It doesn't matter if she beats one by one, but she can't let Sheng Fenghua be beaten with her.

"Mom, it's okay." Not only did Sheng Fenghua not run away, but he comforted Ye Qingge instead.

"They're going to beat someone, how can it be all right?" Ye Qingge looked anxious, then pulled Sheng Fenghua aside, and stood in front of her by himself.

Seeing Ye Qingge's actions, Sheng Fenghua felt a warm feeling in his heart.Then, he said to her: "Mom, you don't have to stand in the way of me, these people are not my opponents. You sit aside and watch me beat them down."

"You child, what are you talking about, you are a girl, how can you be the opponent of these big men. How can you beat them down?"

"Hey, listen to Mom, run away and leave me alone." Ye Qingge couldn't believe that Sheng Fenghua could beat these big men.

After all, Sheng Fenghua was so petite, even though she had seen Sheng Fenghua fight, she was still worried about her.

"Mom, your daughter is amazing. You just sit still, and I will definitely beat them to pieces in a while."

As Sheng Fenghua said, he pushed Ye Qingge on the chair beside him and sat down.Then he unbuttoned the sleeves, rolled them up, and directly fought with the bodyguards.

Zhang Jianan had already fought with the bodyguards, and the two of them faced five or six big guys, but they didn't lose at all.

When Ning Minglie and Lin Feng arrived, they saw this scene.When he saw Sheng Fenghua being surrounded by several big men, beating him with great joy, his heart rose instantly.

He never knew his daughter could fight, and she looked pretty good at it.But even so, he was still worried, worried that Sheng Fenghua would get hurt.After all, not only are there many people on the other side, but all of them are tall and powerful men.

Sheng Fenghua was originally petite, so he would stand among these people like a child.

The difference in height still has a great impact on people.Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a group of adults are bullying children.

Ning Minglie was so anxious that he quickened his pace, walked into the cafe, and then shouted: "Stop!"

The shouts sounded, and Gu Shaojia, who was watching the battle, heard the familiar voice, and Ms. Gu suddenly turned her head and looked towards the door.

When she saw that the person at the door was Ning Minglie, she was slightly startled, walked towards him quickly, and asked, "Uncle Ye, why are you here?"

"So it's Xiaojia?" Ning Minglie saw Gu Shaojia, and only then did he know that the person who bullied his wife was her.

No wonder my wife told me before that there was a Miss Gu who bullied her, and it was Gu Shaojia who dared to love her.

Ning Minglie didn't like Gu Shaojia very much.One is that she doesn't like her temper, and the other is that she doesn't like acting.

However, thinking of his relationship with the Gu family, the expression on his face softened a little. Looking at the people who stopped because of his yelling, he asked, "Xiao Jia, what's going on?"

"Uncle Ye, that woman robbed me!" Seeing Ning Minglie, Gu Shaojia thought that the savior had come, and the villain immediately sued.

"Stealing your things?" Ning Minglie frowned. He knew his wife's temperament very well, and he would never do anything like stealing someone's things.

But Gu Shaojia said that Ye Qingge robbed her, what is going on?

Of course, he didn't really believe Gu Shaojia's words.

"That's right, Uncle Ye, that woman robbed me of the clothes I was looking for, so I plan to teach them a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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