ace warm marriage

Chapter 1081 Bad Chapter Behind

Chapter 1081 Bad Words Behind ([-])

Soon, only Ning Minglie's family was left at the scene. He glanced at his wife and daughter and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then followed Ning Minglie.

When he arrived at the place, Gu Shaoyang had already been placed in the ward, people from the Gu family were already in the room, and there were several doctors.

"Doctor, how is my son doing?"

"Secretary Gu, Mr. Gu may be infected with an unknown virus. This virus is somewhat similar to the one infected by Ye Dong before. Our hospital may not be able to cure it. You should transfer to another hospital as soon as possible. By the way, I heard that Ye Dong Dong’s illness has been cured, you can ask Ye Dong, which doctor helped him treat it.”

"What?" Mrs. Gu almost fainted after hearing this.She also knew what happened to Ye Motang before.At that time, the doctor said that he would not live for more than three years.

If my son also suffers from the same disease as Ye Motang, will he not live for three years?Thinking that her son might not live for three years, Mrs. Gu became anxious.Stretching out his hand to grab Gu Letian's sleeve, he said, "Husband, think of a way to cure your son's illness, no matter how much it costs."

"Ruoyun, calm down first. Didn't you hear what the doctor said? Mo Tang also got this virus, but he's cured now. As long as we find the person who helped Mo Tang treat his illness, our son will be saved. "


"Of course it's true, what the doctor said can be false? If you don't believe what the doctor said, you can ask Mo Tang yourself and see what he says."

"Me?" Mrs. Gu felt uncomfortable when she thought that she was facing Sheng Fenghua just a moment ago, but now she has to ask Ye Motang.

"Ma'am, I know it's hard for you to speak up, so I'll ask him myself. Before your son's illness is cured, you'd better control your temper."

"Okay, I see." Mrs. Gu said angrily, then turned to look at her son in the ward.

At this time, Gu Shaoyang was already asleep, but his complexion was not very good, as if he was seriously ill.The doctor saw that he was in severe pain before, so he gave him a painkiller injection with sleeping properties.

When the doctor was talking about Gu Shaoyang's condition, Ning Minglie's family happened to be standing outside, and they didn't go in after hearing what was said inside.

After the doctor finished speaking, Ning Minglie looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Fenghua, didn't you say that Shao Yang had a bad stomach? Why did the doctor say that he had the same virus as me?"

"Father doesn't believe me?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Ning Minglie, feeling a little uncomfortable.Ever since she saw the interaction between Ning Minglie and Gu Shaoyang for the first time, she knew that Gu Shaoyang held a very important position in Ning Minglie's heart.

But now, hearing Ning Minglie's words confirmed her thoughts even more.However, she also knew that she had been absent for nearly 20 years.And for these 20 years, Gu Shaoyang has been by Ning Minglie's side, so the relationship between them is naturally not comparable to the relationship between her and Ning Minglie.

"No!" Ning Minglie shook his head, glanced at Gu Shaoyang who was lying on the hospital bed, but still said: "Fenghua, if you can cure Shaoyang's illness, then help him."

"I see!" Sheng Fenghua nodded. There will be a lot of people talking, and it's hard for her to explain anything to Ning Minglie.

She knew that what the Gu family wanted to hear most now was what Ning Minglie had just said.

Because, that's exactly what they're aiming for.

(End of this chapter)

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