ace warm marriage

Chapter 1084 Bad Chapter Behind

Chapter 1084 Bad Words Behind ([-])

"Let me tell you, I don't agree to let that stinky girl see Shaoyang. I want to call Dad and ask him to judge and see if Shaoyang delays here or sends him back to the provincial capital for treatment. "

Gu Letian looked at his wife and didn't know how to explain this to her.

Moreover, women have never been allowed to participate in what the Gu family does.One is that I don't want women to know too much, because women have broken mouths.The second is that it is useless for women to know about such things.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's go back and discuss if there is anything else. Tonight, let Shaoyang live here first. Let Fenghua come over tomorrow to take a look. If she says it can't be cured, then we will contact the provincial capital again. hospital."

After hearing Gu Letian's words, Mrs. Gu stopped talking and stood up, ready to go home.

Gu Letian glanced at the two sons, and said: "Shao Ping, you stay here tonight, and Shao Feng will replace you tomorrow."


Gu Letian arranged for the two sons, and then said to Ning Minglie: "Minglie, I have to trouble you to let Fenghua come over tomorrow to see if he can cure Shaoyang's illness."

"Don't worry, Letian, I will let Fenghua come over. However, I don't dare to guarantee whether she can be cured. After all, everyone's physical condition is different."

"I understand!" Gu Letian nodded, and then said: "It's getting late, you should go back and have an early rest."

"Okay, I'll go back now." Ning Minglie said, and they left the ward with Gu Letian and went downstairs.

Besides, after Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei left the hospital, they didn't go back immediately, but went to the night market instead.The night market in City G is also very lively. Sheng Fenghua forgot all his previous troubles while visiting the night market.

Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge returned home, only to find that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei hadn't come back, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

So, he called Sheng Fenghua to ask where she was now.

Seeing that it was Ning Minglie's call, Sheng Fenghua didn't want to answer it.After thinking about it, he still answered the phone and told Ning Minglie that he would not go back at night and let them rest earlier.

When Ning Minglie heard that Sheng Fenghua wasn't going home, his expression turned a little bad. He wanted to say a few words to Sheng Fenghua, but was persuaded by Ye Qingge at the side.

After hanging up Sheng Fenghua's phone call, Ning Minglie looked at his wife and asked, "Qing Ge, what did you stop me from doing?"

"Ming Lie, you don't understand Fenghua." Ye Qingge glanced at her husband indifferently, and said, "Fenghua has her own opinions, and she's married, so of course someone will take care of her, so why bother with it. Besides, She is with Zhan Bei now, isn't it normal not to come back and live?"

Ning Minglie looked at his wife, speechless.After a while, he spoke again: "Qingge, do you think Fenghua is a little strange tonight, she seems to be angry with me."

"You just know!" Ye Qingge gave Ning Minglie a blank look, and said, "Think about what you said before?"

"I said something, I didn't say anything."

"You think again."

Ning Minglie thought about what happened that night and what he said, but he still didn't realize what he should have said, so he shook his head again and said, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Ye Qingge was speechless, and reminded: "You questioned Fenghua's medical skills before, don't you remember? When you were outside the ward?"

(End of this chapter)

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