ace warm marriage

Chapter 1092 Her Conditions

Chapter 1092 Her Conditions ([-])

How do you say that sentence, if you are sold by someone, you will count the money back to the other party.It must be him.

Ning Minglie was so angry that he raised his head and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Fenghua, since the Gu family has an antidote, and they did it on purpose, then you should not go see a doctor for Gu Shaoyang."

"Father, I'm afraid it won't work."


"Father, did you promise to the Gu family this morning?"

"This..." Ning Minglie felt a little embarrassed, he didn't think too much about it before, so he opened his mouth and agreed.Who would have thought that all this was their calculation?

"Father can't break his promise to the Gu family, so this disease still needs to be cured. But how to cure it is my business."

"Fenghua, what are you going to do?"

"Let them apologize in public first." Sheng Fenghua said lightly.The Gu family forced her, and she also forced the Gu family.As the tyrant of City G, the Gu family must care about face the most.Asking them to apologize in public is definitely worse than killing them.

In this way, the Gu family will definitely want to slap her to death.She did this to force the Gu family to take action. After all, her time was limited. If she couldn't make a quick decision, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge would be in danger after she left.

"Will this bring you danger?" Ning Minglie asked worriedly, he knew what kind of family the Gu family was like better than anyone else.

Sheng Fenghua pushed them so hard, they would never let her go.

Therefore, he was very worried, what would happen if the people from the Gu family attacked Sheng Fenghua?
"Father, don't worry, nothing will happen." Sheng Fenghua laughed, comforting Ning Minglie.

After the parents agreed, Ning Minglie picked up the phone and called Gu Letian.

Gu Letian was worried about the news about the newspaper, and when he saw Ning Minglie calling, he immediately picked it up.

"Le Tian, ​​I asked Fenghua to see a doctor for Shaoyang earlier, and she agreed."

"I agree, that's great!" Gu Letian was a little excited. He thought that Sheng Fenghua would not make a move after the incident, but he didn't expect her to agree.

This surprised him, but also made him happy.

"However, she has one condition." Gu Letian's joy was not over yet, when he heard Ning Minglie's words, he asked, "What condition?"

"Le Tian, ​​I don't tell you about the newspaper matter, you should know what's going on. So Fenghua asks your Gu family to publicly apologize to her."

"What, make a public apology?" Gu Letian's face became ugly, asking the Gu family to apologize publicly, wouldn't that mean admitting that the Gu family did it?
Moreover, the Gu family is a respectable family in G city, how can they lose this face?Once the public apologized, the face of the Gu family would be completely humiliated.


"Minglie, can we discuss this again?" Gu Letian changed his tone and said to Ning Minglie.

"Letian, I'm afraid I can't help you with this. You also know that although Fenghua is my daughter, she didn't grow up beside me. She might not listen to me. So, think again. If If you agree, I will let Fenghua go to help Shaoyang treat his illness."

After speaking, Ning Minglie hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind tone from the mobile phone, Gu Letian's expression was extremely ugly.He didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to make this request, who did she think she was.Do you think that without her, his son's poison will not be cured?
Gu Letian was angry, but soon calmed down.He didn't forget the tasks assigned to him by his superiors, and he didn't forget that Sheng Fenghua had treasures on him.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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