ace warm marriage

Chapter 1105 Taking Body as Bait

Chapter 1105 Using Body as Bait ([-])

Not long after, the elevator stopped, and Sheng Fenghua quietly opened his eyes, only to realize that they had reached the top of the mountain.

"Has the third young master arrived yet?" Those people asked as soon as they got out of the elevator.

"Not yet, on the way."

Sheng Fenghua felt that there were more people on the top of the mountain, so he didn't open his eyes again, but kept pretending to be dizzy.Until, those people took her into the house and locked her up.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Sheng Fenghua who was randomly thrown on the bed by the other party opened his eyes and looked around.

It's a windowless room that looks like a basement.

The room was empty, containing nothing but a bed.

Sheng Fenghua glanced around, and quickly looked away.There is only one exit from this house, the door, and it is impossible to escape.

Now, all she can do is wait, waiting for someone to come to open the door, perhaps waiting for Gu Shaofeng to come.If Gu Shaofeng can be restrained and he is used as a hostage, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

With an idea in mind, Sheng Fenghua lay down on the bed to rest.Although he was being carried all the way, he didn't do much.But I still feel uncomfortable, so I have to take a good rest and take it easy.

Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes and listened to the movement outside.

When Sheng Fenghua was brought to the top of the mountain, Song Ning and his party were stopped.They followed the signal from Sheng Fenghua provided by Si Zhanbei all the way to the foot of the mountain. When they were about to go up the mountain, they were stopped by some security guards and said, "This is a private territory, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Song Ning and the others were very anxious because they couldn't climb the mountain.Now Sheng Fenghua was on the mountain, but they were stopped.If you don't arrive in time, what if Gu Shaofeng arrives later and directly tortures Sheng Fenghua?
Song Ning glanced at the security guards, and didn't confront them head-on. Instead, he apologized and left directly.

It wasn't until some distance from the gate that Song Ning stopped and called Si Zhanbei to tell him the situation here.

After hearing Song Ning's words, Si Zhanbei frowned, and then ordered: "Look around and see if there is another way to go up."

Si Zhanbei felt that it was impossible for Gu Shaofeng to take the road that Song Ning and the others took. After all, that road was a winding mountain road, and it would take a long time to walk.

It is impossible for Gu Shaofeng to spend such a long time, he will definitely go to the mountain as soon as possible.

In addition, Si Zhanbei felt that there was a long distance for those people to go from the manor to the mountain, and it was impossible for them to climb the mountain directly. There must be other shortcuts.

"Understood!" After Song Ning hung up the phone, he took out the computer and pulled out the physical map of the mountain.

This thing was given to him by Si Zhanbei before, just to prevent this from happening.

As soon as the map was opened, Song Ning carefully searched for other entrances.

After watching for a long time, he finally found out that there was an elevator behind the mountain.

This discovery surprised him.So, he immediately asked his subordinates to drive to the direction of the elevator that went directly to the top of the mountain.

Ten minutes later, they finally arrived at the back mountain.Sure enough, I saw the elevator and the security guards guarding the elevator.

When Song Ning and the others were about to get close to the security guards and deal with them, the sound of a car came from behind them.

Hearing the movement, Song Ning and the others had no choice but to hide first, and then wait for the car to pass before taking action.

(End of this chapter)

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