Chapter 114
Since the troops did not have a car to go directly to Yang's Hospital, Sheng Fenghua changed the car halfway before arriving at the destination.

When we arrived, it was 10 minutes before eight o'clock, and Dean Yang was waiting in his dean's room. Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, and Sheng Fenghua hadn't arrived yet, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Tried to call, but didn't.Because Sheng Fenghua didn't have a mobile phone, even if he called, he could only reach the guard room of the army.

After waiting for a while, until it was two minutes before eight o'clock, Dean Yang became more and more anxious, and opened the door of the dean's room, ready to go out and have a look.

No, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Sheng Fenghua standing outside the door with a smile on his face, slightly raising his hand.It was obvious that she was about to knock on the door.

"Sheng girl, you are here, come in quickly." Dean Yang welcomed Sheng Fenghua in enthusiastically, then poured her a glass of water, and then asked, "Why are you here now? Are you on the way?" What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about the dean, it's okay. It's my first time to ride a car, and I'm not familiar with it." Sheng Fenghua explained with a smile that the reason why she arrived so late was because of the delay in changing cars on the road.

It would be great if she had a car, it would be much more convenient for her to drive by herself.However, now she has no money on her and cannot buy a car.

"That's it, then I can rest assured." Dean Yang sat down opposite Sheng Fenghua, and then asked her which subject she was good at.

Hearing Dean Yang's words, Sheng Fenghua fell silent, thinking about what he was good at.However, after much deliberation, she doesn't seem to focus on any subject, she seems to know it all, and she has made some achievements in all of them.

Dean Yang looked at Sheng Fenghua's rare silence, and couldn't help being surprised.He was a little worried. After all, Sheng Fenghua was too young, and he was worried that she was too ambitious.

After thinking for a while, Sheng Fenghua really didn't figure out what he was good at, so he looked up at Dean Yang and said, "Dean, I seem to know a little bit about everything, why don't you see which department of your hospital is more nervous? Just go to which department."

Dean Yang listened to the words, pondered for a while, and said: "That's fine, then I'll put you in the gynecology department first. Recently, Zhao Yang, the deputy chief doctor of the gynecology department, asked for leave, so you can take her place first."

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and the department of gynecology should be the department of gynecology.She has also helped deliver babies before and has performed surgery herself.

"Then let's do this first. I'll have someone come and take you to report in the department of gynecology." Dean Yang doesn't know which department Sheng Fenghua is better at for the time being, so let's take a look first.

And he had already planned in his heart that Sheng Fenghua would stay in each department for a while to see where her abilities were, and then finally decide which department she would stay in.

After talking with Sheng Fenghua, Dean Yang got up and made a phone call.After a while, a little girl in charge of personnel came in.

Seeing the person coming, Dean Yang immediately helped Sheng Fenghua introduce: "Fenghua, this is Xiao Qi, who is in charge of the hospital's personnel affairs, and she will take you to go through the reporting procedures."

"Okay, thank you Dean Yang."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua turned his head to Xiao Qi and said, "Xiao Qi, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Doctor Sheng, you're welcome, this is my job." Dean Yang had notified the personnel before, so it's not surprising that Xiao Qi knew Sheng Fenghua's name.

However, what Xiao Qi didn't expect was that Sheng Fenghua was so young, she looked younger than her, and was ordered by the dean himself, and came here by air from outside, which made her a little curious and suspicious at the same time .

 Two more are offered.However, what I received yesterday was a box of mangoes. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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