ace warm marriage

Chapter 1140 The so-called master

Chapter 1140 The so-called master ([-])

"What's the matter?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.They have been checking the Gu family during this time, what can they ignore?And is it important?
"Poison!" Sheng Fenghua spit out a word softly, his eyes were a little cold.

"Poison?" Si Zhanbei was even more puzzled. What is the importance of this poison?

"Yes, it's poison!" Sheng Fenghua nodded.Thinking that Ning Minglie was poisoned before, and it was a chronic poison, although she suspected that the poison came from the Gu family, she didn't think deeply about it, let alone explore it.

Later, when Gu Shaoyang tested the poison himself, she only thought that he had the antidote in his hand, and didn't think much about it.She didn't understand until this time, when Patriarch Gu was rescued and Si Zhanbei was poisoned.The poison came from the main family of the Gu family, and it seems that the ancient family has a very powerful master of poison use, or a master of poison making.

Because these poisons were not some poisons she had known before, but new types of poisons that could not be named.This kind of poison can only be prepared by oneself.

Fortunately, she has done some research on this, and there is still space, there is no shortage of herbs in it, otherwise Si Zhanbei will be in danger this time.

"Can you explain a little bit more clearly?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua, but still didn't understand what she meant.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei, and then expressed his thoughts.

"Zhan Bei, think about it, my father was poisoned before, then Gu Shaoyang was poisoned again, and now you are also poisoned. Where did these poisons come from?"

"Gu family?" Si Zhanbei is a smart person, he knows everything.Whether it is passive poisoning or active poisoning, these poisoners have some kind of connection with the Gu family.

"Yes, the Gu family has a very powerful poison master."

"I'll ask someone to investigate." Si Zhanbei took out his phone while talking, and was about to call his subordinates, asking them to investigate carefully and see who in the Gu family could make drugs.

"That person probably isn't from the Gu family." Sheng Fenghua shook his head. They had checked the people from the Gu family before, but they didn't find anyone who had made achievements in poison or medicine.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua guessed that that person probably wasn't from the Gu family.

"Not from the Gu family?"


"If he is not from the Gu family, then it will be more difficult for us to find out his identity." Si Zhanbei frowned, and now the people above are attacking the Gu family.Originally, after the Patriarch Gu was captured, everything would be over.

But he didn't want to, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.Not only did he rescue Patriarch Gu, but the poison on his body was also highly poisonous.

If that person wants to do something with those poisons, then the situation will be very bad.

Si Zhanbei was thinking about countermeasures, when Sheng Fenghua spoke again, and said, "Zhanbei, I plan to lure the snake out of the hole."

"No!" Si Zhanbei directly disagreed.He knew what Sheng Fenghua meant, so he disagreed.She had already risked herself once, and he didn't want her to do it a second time.

The previous time was fine, they made all preparations to ensure that Sheng Fenghua's life would not be in danger.But it's different now. They just came to G province, and although some people can use it, they can't compare with the previous ones in G city.

What's more, they are still in the old lair of the Gu family.Here, the influence of the Gu family is all over the place. If Sheng Fenghua put himself in danger, it would be a very dangerous thing.

"Then what do you say?" Sheng Fenghua also knew that this was not the best policy.But she had no other choice but to fight.

They're always in danger if they don't lure out the guy who can make the drug.

 Thanks to Free Flying and Chuyang Blooming for their rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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