ace warm marriage

Chapter 1163 The Beauty Disappears

Chapter 1163 Fenghua Disappears ([-])

"The whereabouts of the Patriarch of the Gu family and the truth about the destruction of the Ye family 20 years ago." Si Zhanbei said two conditions, and he believed that the master would not refuse.

Because people like Master always put their own interests first.What's more, his life is still involved now.Don't just ask him to tell the whereabouts of the Patriarch of the Gu Family, even if he personally kills the Patriarch of the Gu Family, he is willing.

"Okay, I'll tell you!" The master was also straightforward, and said directly to Si Zhanbei: "In the secret room of the study in the backyard of the Patriarch of the Gu family."

After Si Zhanbei heard this, the expression on his face was still as calm as ever, and he asked, "How do you open the secret room? Is there a mechanism?"

It's not that Si Zhanbei doesn't believe in the master, it's better to be careful in everything.To deal with people like the master, you still need to be careful.

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, the master's eyes flickered, and he said: "There is a desk in my study, and a paperweight is placed in front of it, and that paperweight is the mechanism to open the secret room."

"Okay, I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise..." Si Zhanbei didn't finish his sentence, but the master already knew what he was going to say.

However, he felt that Si Zhanbei was worrying too much. He had reached this point, and he didn't need to play tricks.After all, his life was still in Si Zhanbei's hands.

After the master finished speaking, seeing that Si Zhanbei had no intention of leaving to find the Patriarch of the Gu family, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"Someone has already gone." After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, the master's face changed.He understood what Si Zhanbei meant, that is, there are still his people here.

Thinking that there are people from Si Zhanbei here, Grandmaster suddenly felt bad.

However, Si Zhanbei didn't care about him, but looked at him and said, "Master, before meeting the Patriarch of the Gu family, you can talk about the destruction of the Ye family."

Master actually didn't want to say it, because it was planned by him alone.And the Patriarch of the Gu Family is just a pawn he uses.

But now, Si Zhanbei brought it up alone, and he had to say it again.Moreover, his body couldn't wait any longer. If he didn't detoxify and stop the bleeding, he would definitely die.

So, after thinking about it for a while, the master still told Si Zhanbei what happened.

Listening to the master's narration, Si Zhanbei's face became more and more ugly.He and Sheng Fenghua always thought that the Ye family's extermination was caused by the head of the Gu family, but they didn't think that the culprit was the master in front of him.

And the reason was just because of the hatred in his heart.There was nothing wrong with the Ye family saving his life and bringing him back to life.If it were someone else, I would definitely be grateful to Dade.But this master is lucky, not only ungrateful, but also hated the Ye family.

He even wiped out Ye Family's family for his so-called desire to die.Now, he also killed his wife.It would not be an exaggeration for such a person to die ten or eight times.

Originally, Si Zhanbei thought about agreeing to the master to save his life, so he planned to bandage him to stop the bleeding after hearing the truth about the Ye family's extermination.Now it seems that it is better not to keep such a scourge.

Therefore, after listening to the master's narration, Si Zhanbei not only did not help him bandage, but picked up the gun again.

"What are you going to do?" The master looked at Si Zhanbei vigilantly, feeling uneasy, and said sharply, "Your words don't count!"

"Master, you are wrong. I promised to spare you, so naturally I will not kill you. However, before the arrival of the Patriarch of the Gu family, I have to guard against you."

"You?" The master was so angry that his face turned black, and he stared at Si Zhanbei fiercely.

Is he guarding against him?

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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