ace warm marriage

Chapter 1165 Death of the Master

Chapter 1165 Death of the Master ([-])

"Patriarch Gu, we don't want to do anything, we just take you to meet someone." The visitor made a gesture while talking, and then left the study room, heading towards the place where Si Zhanbei was.

When they arrived, they just heard that the master was telling Si Zhanbei the truth about the destruction of the Ye family.

The Patriarch of the Gu family had an extremely ugly face after hearing what the master said.It never occurred to him that the person he trusted so much was the real murderer who caused his wife to fall into a coma.

The hateful thing is that he is still grateful to him.Damn it, damn it!

Patriarch Gu wanted to go up and beat Grandmaster violently, but because he grabbed his hands, he couldn't move at all.

Therefore, he could only look at the master with hatred, thinking of his wife who was still in a coma, he felt extremely regretful.

How stupid he is, he has been used for more than 20 years.He hated, hated his own stupidity.He regretted that he had been cheated for more than 20 years.

But he still didn't believe it. He wanted to ask the master again, whether what he just said was true.

"Let me go!" Patriarch Gu struggled, wanting to confront the master face to face.

"Be honest!" Si Zhanbei's subordinates shouted, and then led the Patriarch of the Gu family towards Si Zhanbei and the master.

Hearing footsteps, Si Zhanbei turned his head.When he saw the hatred in Patriarch Gu's eyes, he was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly understood something, so he curled his lips slightly.

"Patriarch Gu, don't come here without any problems." Si Zhanbei greeted lightly, and then pretended to realize that his complexion was not good, and asked, "What's the matter? Patriarch Gu's complexion is so ugly? Is it me?" Has anyone neglected you?"

However, Patriarch Gu ignored Si Zhanbei, but stared at Grandmaster directly, and said, "Master, what you just said is true?"

"What's true?" The master saw the hatred in Patriarch Gu's eyes, and his heart skipped a beat, but his face was full of confusion, and he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Master, I have heard what you just said."

"What did you hear?" The master looked like he didn't want to admit it, which annoyed Patriarch Gu. He glared at him and said, "Master, I respect you as a master so I trust you unconditionally, but what have you done?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." The master still didn't want to admit it, he was afraid that Patriarch Gu would retaliate against him.Now he is still counting on Patriarch Gu to help him.Therefore, he absolutely cannot admit what he just said, otherwise he really can only wait to die.

"Master, don't you dare to admit it?" Patriarch Gu looked at the master with a disappointed face. His previous tall image instantly collapsed.

"I don't even know what you're talking about, how do you want me to admit it?" The master refused to admit it, which disappointed and annoyed Patriarch Gu more and more.

He gave the master a hard look, then turned to look at Si Zhanbei, and said, "You should have recorded what he just said, right?"

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei frowned, a little surprised.Patriarch Gu actually knew that he was recording, it really was an old fox.

And the master, after hearing Patriarch Gu's words, his expression changed suddenly, he looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Have you recorded?"

Si Zhanbei didn't speak, just looked at the master and the Patriarch of the Gu family indifferently.His delay in making a statement made the Patriarch of the Gu family anxious, and asked, "You won't say no, will you?"

Si Zhanbei shook his head and asked, "Why, Patriarch Gu hasn't heard enough just now, and wants to listen to it again?"

(End of this chapter)

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