ace warm marriage

Chapter 1171 Nanke 1 Dream

Chapter 1171
Si Zhanbei shook his head and said, "Although I didn't see her body, I saw her disappear with my own eyes, and it's been such a long time, and she hasn't come back."

"Boss, you also know that sister-in-law just disappeared, and she will definitely come back. So, don't be impulsive. Let's wait, wait a little longer, okay? Maybe sister-in-law is on her way back now ?”

"Yes, boss, my sister-in-law will definitely come back. We should believe her, shouldn't we? Just as you can't let her go, she will definitely not let you go, so she will definitely come back. Maybe now, she is overcoming all kinds of problems. This kind of difficulty is rushing back.”

"Really? Will she really come back?" Si Zhanbei couldn't believe it. He felt that if Sheng Fenghua would really come back, he should have come back long ago.

But now, after such a long time, there is no movement. Will she come back?

Si Zhanbei was looking forward to it in his heart, but he was also uneasy and worried.What if she doesn't come back?What if something happens to her?
If he didn't hurry up to find her, how lonely would she be on Huangquan Road?
That's why he wanted to commit suicide in such a hurry.He has been waiting for so long, if Sheng Fenghua really disappears, then she should be on the road to Huangquan by now.

And he should have gone a long way. If he doesn't catch up, he will not be able to catch up.

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law will definitely come back, we should believe her. So, boss, we beg you, please wait a little longer, wait for sister-in-law to come back, don't give up easily, okay?"

Looking at his subordinates, Si Zhanbei hesitated.The hand holding the gun also relaxed slightly.He was thinking, what if Sheng Fenghua is really not dead, still alive?
What if she really came back?Is he waiting, or not waiting?
Taking advantage of Si Zhanbei's distraction, one of his subordinates ran up behind him and quickly grabbed his gun.

The pistol was taken away, and Si Zhanbei was very annoyed, staring at his subordinate, angry and angry.How dare you snatch his gun and don't want to live anymore?
At this time, the subordinate who took the gun suddenly knelt down in front of Si Zhanbei, and said, "Boss, I took your gun, it was my fault, I dare not complain about how you want to punish me. But The subordinates are willing to invite you, even if not for yourself or sister-in-law, you have to think about all of us. Think about our war wolf, think about the slogan of war wolf, and think about the oaths of the brothers."

After hearing this, Si Zhanbei fell silent.His face softened, and he thought of his identity and his responsibilities.

He is a wolf warrior, he is a soldier.There are responsibilities on his body, and there are so many comrades who have gone through life and death by his side.

He is not only Sheng Fenghua's husband, but also the eldest grandson of the Si family, and a soldier of the people. Even if he dies, he must die on the battlefield, not here, by his own hands.

Thinking, thinking, Si Zhanbei's mind slowly calmed down.Then he looked at the subordinate who was kneeling in front of him, and said, "Get up!"

"Boss?" The subordinate glanced at Si Zhanbei, looked at his completely different eyes from before, and slowly stood up.

"A man has gold under his knees. A man should stand upright. From now on, he will kneel without moving." Si Zhanbei said lightly, and then stood up on the ground himself.

However, he had maintained one position for too long, so his legs were a little numb, and as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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