ace warm marriage

Chapter 1178 Past and Present Life

Chapter 1178 Past and Present ([-])

"What do you mean?" Si Zhanbei's face was full of confusion, he had never understood the meaning of Sheng Fenghua's words.What does it mean that the me now and the me before are the same person?They were originally the same person.

"What I mean is that the current Sheng Fenghua and the Sheng Fenghua who died in the dark night were originally the same person. Do you understand?" Sheng Fenghua explained, but Si Zhanbei couldn't believe it, and said : "How is this possible?"

"I also think it's impossible, but the fact is like this." Sheng Fenghua said seriously. If it was changed to before, she would also think it was impossible.Not to mention that there is a ten-year age difference between the two, even if they are the same age, she would not believe it.

But the dream just now made her believe it.They might really be one person, otherwise, why would she enter this Sheng Fenghua's body after her death in the previous life, instead of the other Wang Fenghua and Li Fenghua?
In the final analysis, there must be some kind of connection between them, otherwise it would never be like this.

"Fact?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't know what he thought of, so he asked, "You can't do it in a dream, can you?"

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua's light words made Si Zhanbei stunned again, unable to recover for a long time.

"You don't believe it?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the expression on Si Zhanbei's face, a little annoyed, and said, "What I said is true."

"I believe it, I believe it!" Si Zhanbei came back to his senses, nodded abruptly, and then asked, "Why did you suddenly have such a dream?"

"I don't know either." Sheng Fenghua shook her head, she didn't understand, why did she suddenly have such a dream?She was wondering if this dream implied something, or was it simply letting her know that she was the same person in the past and present lives?
"Then tell me, what did you dream about?" Si Zhanbei asked curiously.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei, and then told him what he had dreamed about.Rao Si Zhanbei had already built up his mind, but after hearing it, he was still a little incapable of accepting it, and couldn't recover for a long time.

Today, he was stimulated twice.It was Sheng Fenghua who told him that he was burned and dreamed about the ancestors of the Ye family.Now, she told him again, she and the dead her were actually the same person.

HH?Why did all the strange and unexplainable things happen to Sheng Fenghua?

Could it be that she is not human?

As soon as this idea appeared, Si Zhanbei's eyes on Sheng Fenghua changed.I thought to myself if Sheng Fenghua wasn't a human being, what would it be?
"What's wrong with you?" Feeling that Si Zhanbei looked at him strangely, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help asking.

"I think you may not be human!" Si Zhanbei didn't think too much, and said what was in his heart.However, as soon as he said that, Sheng Fenghua's expression changed.

Si Zhanbei actually said that she is not human, so what is she?monster?What would he do if she was really a monster?
"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, Si Zhanbei asked with a concerned expression, never thinking that there was something wrong with his words just now.

Sheng Fenghua took a deep look at Si Zhanbei, and asked after a while, "If I'm really not human, what would you do?"

If you listen carefully, you can hear Sheng Fenghua's voice was a bit strange when he asked this sentence.At this time, she felt a little complicated in her heart, uneasy, hopeful, apprehensive, all kinds of emotions were intertwined.

(End of this chapter)

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