Chapter 118
However, the admiration was nothing but admiration. After admiration, they looked at Sheng Fenghua with a touch of sympathy.

"You?" Director Wu stared at Sheng Fenghua's back with an ugly expression. After practicing medicine for decades, this was the first time someone said that she had no medical ethics. She was really pissed off.

However, Sheng Fenghua didn't care whether Director Wu was angry or not, and ignored the eyes of everyone in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and left directly.

To be honest, Dean Yang is a good person, but his vision is not very good.The reason why Director Wu dared to drive her away directly was because Director Yang had indulged him before.

So what if the medical skills are better, the character is not good, it is not a good thing for the hospital.

When Dean Yang hurried over from the dean's office, he saw Sheng Fenghua leaving the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and was about to leave, so he immediately stopped her and said, "Sheng girl, where are you going?"

"Dean Yang, why are you here? I'm going to find you."

"What's going on?" Dean Yang came to Sheng Fenghua and asked in a deep voice.He believed that Sheng Fenghua would not take the initiative to provoke trouble, but he wanted to know what happened and why Director Wu had to chase Sheng Fenghua away.

"Is that the case? People think I'm young and ignorant. I couldn't help rebutting a few words, and it became like this." Sheng Fenghua spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

She really didn't expect things to turn out like this, but she just didn't want others to misunderstand her and underestimate her.Who knew things would turn out like this?

Now, not to mention that she is famous, it is estimated that she will be very difficult to get along in this hospital in the future.

It seems that she is destined to be unable to be like others, and she goes to work from nine to five every day.

"Don't go yet, I'll talk to Director Wu." Dean Yang heard Sheng Fenghua say this, and he could roughly imagine the situation at that time.

He didn't want to complain about Director Wu.As a veteran of the hospital, he often relied on the old to sell the old, and he always looked down on newcomers.

"Forget it, Dean Yang, Director Wu, I don't want to work with her. It affects my mood too much." Sheng Fenghua waved her hand. She didn't want to look at Director Wu's face every day. You will be in a bad mood and have indigestion.

In this world, she has seen many people with good medical skills.For example, those old professors I met yesterday, any one of them is definitely better than this Director Wu.

But they will not look like Director Wu, who is the number one in the world.It has to be said that a person's achievement has a lot to do with a person's virtue.

"Sheng girl, you..." Dean Yang looked at Sheng Fenghua and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.After a while, he said to her: "Go to my office and wait for me first, and I will have a few words with Director Wu."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded lightly and entered the elevator.

Dean Yang watched Sheng Fenghua leave before walking into the obstetrics and gynecology office.

When everyone saw Dean Yang, they all stood up and greeted him.Dean Yang waved his hand, and then went straight into Director Wu's office.

Seeing Dean Yang coming in, Director Wu said angrily, "Hey, what kind of wind brought Dean Yang here?"

"Wu Yi, can you talk properly?" Dean Yang turned cold, and then closed the door of the office.

"Yes, why not?" Director Wu said yes, but his tone did not change.She didn't expect Dean Yang to come to her personally for Sheng Fenghua, which had never happened before.

Dean Yang glared at Director Wu, and asked coldly, "Tell me, why don't you want Sheng Fenghua?"

(End of this chapter)

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