ace warm marriage

Chapter 1181 Past and Present Life

Chapter 1181 Past and Present ([-])

"What about you? Do you want to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?" Si Zhanbei asked after thinking about what the Ning family had done before.To be honest, he was quite angry when the Ning family did that.

However, after thinking about it later, it can be understood.If it was the Si family, they would probably do the same.

"Let's see when the time comes." Sheng Fenghua doesn't care, even if she doesn't recognize her ancestors, she is still the granddaughter of the Ning family now, even though she just did it, she is also a granddaughter, isn't she?

Of course, if Ning Minglie asked, she would not refuse.Anyway, it's nice to have a family reunion.

"Okay, it depends on your mood." Si Zhanbei smiled, no matter what decision Sheng Fenghua made.He will support her because he is her husband and the backer behind her.

Not long after, news came that their flight was boarding. The two boarded the plane and flew to City B.

It was already a few hours after arriving in City B, and it was getting late, the two of them didn't bother anyone, they just sat in the rental and went back to the place where they lived before.

Although they are away for a long time, there are hourly workers cleaning the house regularly.Moreover, there are also some food in the refrigerator.

The two returned home, washed away the general dust, cooked two bowls of noodles, each of them ate a bowl before going to rest.After sleeping until ten o'clock the next morning, the two of them didn't get up.

After a brief wash and grooming, the two of them saw that it was neither too late nor too early, and they didn't make breakfast anymore, but started to prepare lunch.

During this period of time outside, Sheng Fenghua hadn't done anything for a long time.Therefore, I specially prepared a hearty lunch.

Si Zhanbei was on the sidelines helping out, washing vegetables and so on, while Sheng Fenghua was in charge of chopping and frying vegetables.The husband and wife divide the labor and cooperate, nesting in the small kitchen to cook lunch, it is also warm.

An hour later, five dishes and one soup came out of the pot.I don't know if it's because he didn't eat in the morning, or because he hasn't eaten the dishes made by Sheng Fenghua for too long. Si Zhanbei's appetite is very good. He ate three bowls of rice in a row, and Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but click his tongue.

No wonder Si Zhanbei specifically told her to cook more when cooking, probably because he was hungry.

After three bowls of rice, Si Zhanbei was finally full.The dishes on the table are almost eaten, and there are only some ginger and garlic left in the five dishes.It's soup, and there's still half of it.Because Si Zhanbei only ate and ate vegetables, his stomach was already full and there was no room for soup.

Sheng Fenghua also only drank half a bowl of soup, and didn't drink any more.Both of them were a bit full, so after eating, they went downstairs together, took a walk in the neighborhood for half an hour to clear up their food, and then drove back to the old house.

Mr. Si didn't expect the two to come back, because they didn't call before they went, so when they saw the two, they were very surprised and asked, "Why are you back?"

"Why, grandpa doesn't want us to come back? That's fine, let's go now." Si Zhanbei raised his eyebrows, and while talking, he turned around as if he was about to leave.

Seeing Si Zhanbei's rebellious appearance, old man Si was so angry that he almost jumped, picked up the crutch in his hand and hit him.

However, who was Si Zhanbei, and how could he be hit by Mr. Si, he dodged it with a dodge, then glanced at Mr. Si, turned his head and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Daughter-in-law, I said I shouldn't come back? Look, as soon as you come back, you're going to beat me up."

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei speechlessly, not knowing what to say.On the contrary, Mr. Si gave him a hard look and said, "You deserve it!"

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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