ace warm marriage

Chapter 1195 New Mission

Chapter 1195 New Mission ([-])

Mr. Si is fine, but Si Zhanbei didn't expect his daughter-in-law to go back so soon, and felt very sad.

It's just that as a soldier, he knows that military orders are like mountains, and he knows that he can't help himself.

On the plane, Sheng Fenghua sat on the seat and closed his eyes to rest, but suddenly a voice came from his ear, saying, "Mr. Sheng, is it you?"

Hearing the sound, Sheng Fenghua opened his eyes and looked to the side, only to find that there was an acquaintance sitting beside him.This person is none other than Jun Nianchen's good friend Gong Rui.

"So it's Mr. Gong, hello!" Sheng Fenghua and Gong Rui greeted each other.To be honest, she is not familiar with Gong Rui.

"Mr. Sheng is being polite, just call me Gong Rui." Gong Rui smiled, and he was also quite surprised to meet Sheng Fenghua on the plane.

He is Jun Nianchen's good friend, so he naturally knows that he likes Sheng Fenghua's affairs.It's a pity that King Xiang is interested, but Goddess is not.

Not only did Sheng Fenghua get married early, but he also had no interest in Jun Nianchen at all.Otherwise, he would have asked his friends to snatch Sheng Fenghua away.

"Since that's the case, then don't always call me Mr. Sheng. You can call me by my name or Fenghua."

"Okay, from now on I'll just call you Fenghua." Gong Rui laughed.

Originally, Sheng Fenghua planned to take a rest on the plane, but because they met Gong Rui, the two started chatting.It wasn't until Gong Rui got tired looking at Sheng Fenghua that he stopped talking.

The two stopped talking, and Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes to rest again.

She didn't open her eyes until she was about to get off the plane.Gong Rui also opened his eyes at the same time, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Fenghua, Nianchen will come to pick me up later, so don't call for a taxi, let's go together."

"No, I have something else to do, so I won't be with you." Sheng Fenghua shook his head with a smile.If it was changed to before, she didn't know what Jun Nianchen was thinking, so that's all.It's just that she knows now, so naturally she won't get too close to Jun Nianchen as before.

Because, if the two get too close, it will be of no benefit to her or to Jun Nianchen.

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Gong Rui didn't force himself, said goodbye to her with a smile, and then walked towards Jun Nianchen's car.

Sheng Fenghua took a step slower on purpose, planning to take a taxi later, and then go straight back to the army.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't expect was that even if she stepped out deliberately, she still saw Jun Nianchen, who was standing at the exit and waiting for her.

"Fenghua!" Jun Nianchen looked at Sheng Fenghua and shouted with a smile.

"Nianchen." Sheng Fenghua also laughed and walked towards him.She knew that Jun Nianchen was definitely waiting here on purpose.

And the reason why he is here must be what Gong Rui told him.The person who originally wanted to avoid, just met like this, if Sheng Fenghua avoided it again, it would be a little deliberate.

Since it cannot be avoided, then so be it.While thinking, Sheng Fenghua walked towards his car with Jun Nianchen.

Sitting in the car, Gong Rui smiled slightly when he saw the two people coming, and then took the initiative to sit in the driving seat, giving the space behind to Jun Nianchen and Sheng Fenghua.

Watching Gong Rui's movements, Jun Nianchen gave him a grateful glance.

"Fenghua, let me take you back." Jun Nianchen looked at Sheng Fenghua and said with a smile.

"Nian Chen, no need, I have to go back to the army, I have a mission. I'm afraid I don't have time to catch up with you today, sorry." Sheng Fenghua shook his head with a smile, she was in a hurry.If I don't go back to report, I guess there will be another call.

(End of this chapter)

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