ace warm marriage

Chapter 1197 New Mission

Chapter 1197 New Task ([-])

"Come on, I have met the chiefs." Commissar Yang spoke again, Sheng Fenghua looked at the chiefs and said, "Hello, chiefs!"

"This is the Sheng Fenghua I told you about, Si Zhanbei's daughter-in-law." Political Commissar Yang introduced Sheng Fenghua to several leaders.

"So you are Sheng Fenghua." One of the chiefs laughed, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Boy Si is really lucky to marry such a good wife like you."

"Who said it wasn't? I heard that Boss Si was very happy."

"That's right, whoever marries such a powerful daughter-in-law should be very happy."

Sheng Fenghua was very embarrassed when the chiefs said one sentence to you and one sentence to me.Obviously, these people all knew Si Zhanbei and Mr. Si.

However, she didn't have much impression of them, and it was the first time she saw them.

Fortunately, the chief executives didn't keep talking, and quickly stopped talking.They looked at Sheng Fenghua together and asked, "I heard that your medical skills are good?"

"Let's be so-so!" Sheng Fenghua said modestly, but the faces of the chiefs became serious, and said: "Sheng Fenghua, now is not the time for you to be modest, tell us the truth, how is your medical skill?"

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the chiefs, Sheng Fenghua knew the seriousness of the matter, and he looked at it squarely, with a smile on his face, he said: "Several chiefs, I dare not say that I can revive the dead and heal the bones. However, as long as I, Sheng Fenghua, have handled patients, none of them died during the treatment."

"Very good, you are what we need." Several chiefs nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Commissar Yang, motioning him to talk to Sheng Fenghua.

Commissar Yang nodded, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Sheng Fenghua, I should have given you more time to recuperate when you had an accident last time. But now, there is a task that you must perform."

"Political Commissar, you go on to the task." Sheng Fenghua looked at Political Commissar Yang seriously, her body was fine, and she didn't need to recuperate at all.The last time she asked for leave to recuperate, it was just to cover up people's eyes and ears, and prevent others from discovering her secrets, which would bring her danger.

"Very good, now I order you, at six o'clock tomorrow morning, take your medicine box and wait at the gate of the family courtyard, someone will send you to perform the task." Commissar Yang was satisfied with Sheng Fenghua's attitude, and gave her a task.

However, because the task was kept secret, he didn't tell her directly, but handed her a document bag and said, "This is the content of the task, go back and take a good look."

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua replied, then saluted several chiefs and Political Commissar Yang before leaving.

After leaving Political Commissar Yang's office, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay any longer, and went straight back to the family courtyard.

Opening the door of the house, she simply tidied up, and instead of cooking by herself, she went directly to the cafeteria, bought a meal, and ate at home. Only then did she wash off the dust all over her body, and then went back to the room to rest.

Before going to bed, Sheng Fenghua opened the file bag, and after reading the tasks, he put the file bag into the space.

Afterwards, she took out her phone and called Si Zhanbei, telling him that she was going on a mission and her return date was uncertain.

When Si Zhanbei heard this, his heart sank.I wanted to ask what her mission was, but when I thought of the discipline of the army, I endured it and told Sheng Fenghua to be careful.

After Sheng Fenghua responded one by one, he made another phone call to Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge, telling them that he had something to go on a long trip, the phone might not get through, so they don't have to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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