ace warm marriage

Chapter 120 Pregnant woman with dystocia

Chapter 120 Pregnant woman with dystocia
"Okay, just go, that's what you said. I hope you won't come to beg me." Director Wu looked up at Dean Yang with a haughty expression on his face.

She, Wu Yi, needs medical skills and experience, but is she afraid that there is no hospital to ask for it?
There is no place to stay here.

"Let's go, let's go, see if I will beg you." Dean Yang was also angry and blurted out the words.At this point, Wu Yi still thinks that this hospital must be hers?
Did she think that without her, the obstetrics and gynecology department of this hospital would not be able to function?

Director Wu saw that Dean Yang had no intention of keeping her at all, he just threw the badge away, and left in a huff.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, as soon as he got downstairs, when the elevator door opened, before all the people inside came out, he saw a man sweating profusely and rushed in with a woman in his arms, shouting: "Let's get out of here!" Let it go, let it go, my wife fell down and is about to give birth."

Someone in the elevator saw her like this, and couldn't help reminding her: "Upstairs is the inpatient department, you have to send her to the emergency room."

"Emergency, where is the emergency?" The man raised his head and asked, with a flustered expression on his face.When he saw his wife fell, he took a taxi directly.All he knew was that his wife was in pain and seemed to be about to give birth, so he carried her all the way to the downstairs of the obstetrics and gynecology department. He didn't know what emergency room to go to.

"Go out and turn left, the third building."

"Okay!" The man replied, while planning to leave with his wife in his arms.

But at this moment, the woman yelled in pain, and he was so scared that he almost threw her to the ground.

When Sheng Fenghua heard the woman's cry, he paused in his steps, then stopped, and then bent down to check the woman's condition.

After the examination, she said directly to the man, "It's too late, she's about to give birth."

"Are you a doctor?" The man saw Sheng Fenghua in a white coat, and his face was a little excited.

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then told the man: "Look at your wife, she might have a caesarean section. The operating room is on the third floor. Come with me."

Sheng Fenghua pressed the third floor, then knelt down to help the woman relieve her pain.

Following her movements, the woman's complexion improved a little, and her yelling was no longer so miserable.Seeing his wife's pain eased, the man looked at Sheng Fenghua gratefully, and said, "Thank you, doctor."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, watched the elevator stop, and then led the man to the operating room.

There are two operating rooms in the obstetrics and gynecology department, but fortunately there is still one empty.So, after Sheng Fenghua put the person in, he called Dean Yang directly from the phone outside the operating room, and told him that he wanted to use an operating room, and that there was a pregnant woman who was injured and had dystocia, and she wanted to have an operation.

Dean Yang happened to be still in the obstetrics and gynecology department. After receiving the call, he immediately ordered two doctors and two nurses to go to the third floor to help.

Director Wu was about to enter the elevator when he heard Dean Yang's order and his face changed.In the entire obstetrics and gynecology department, she is the one who does the best laparotomy, and the other one who is good at surgery is Wang Hongmei, the deputy chief doctor.

And Wang Hongmei's operation should not be completed, who else can perform this operation, which made her very curious, and decided to take a look before leaving.

So, by coincidence, she pressed the button for the third floor.

After Sheng Fenghua made the call, he was preparing for the operation while waiting for the helper to arrive.

However, she didn't expect Director Wu to come first, so she nodded lightly towards her.

Director Wu's expression changed instantly when he saw Sheng Fenghua, and he stared at her and asked, "You are going to have surgery?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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