ace warm marriage

Chapter 1200 Stone Town

Chapter 1200 Stone Town ([-])

"Two months after the county official went to that village, he went to the city for a meeting and had a car accident when he came back." Speaking of this, the comrades in the Armed Forces Department looked sad.The new senior county official is a good secretary, and he treats the people well.

It's a pity that good people don't live long.

"Had a car accident? Was it an accident, or was it man-made?" It's no wonder Sheng Fenghua was suspicious, but she felt that it was a bit of a coincidence.

"The higher-ups sent someone to check and said it was an accident." The answer from the armed forces made Sheng Fenghua frowned again.How did she feel it was artificial?

After thinking about it, she asked again: "Who were the people who accompanied the county officials? What happened to those people now?"

"I don't know about this." The person in the Armed Forces Department apologized, he didn't pay attention to this aspect.However, Sheng Fenghua felt that this matter was very important, so he said: "Then can I trouble you to find out for me?"

"Okay, I'll inquire for you when I get back." The people in the Armed Forces Department did not refuse, and readily agreed.

"Thank you!"

"you are welcome."

After Sheng Fenghua finished talking with the people from the Armed Forces Department, Qin Feng, who hadn't spoken all the time, glanced at her and said, "Sister-in-law, you are suspicious..."

Qin Feng didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Sheng Fenghua knew what he was going to say.The two knew each other well, and neither of them broke it.

After hearing what the two of them said, the people from the Armed Forces Department understood something in their hearts.

After driving for more than two hours, we arrived at Stone Town.Before entering the town, Sheng Fenghua saw the trucks carrying stones coming out of the town.

"Sure enough, it's Stone Town. The cars we saw on this road were all filled with stones." Qin Feng sighed, and the people in the armed forces who accompanied him laughed and said, "Isn't it? Today you saw There are still few. When business is good, thirty or forty carts of stones can be loaded a day."

"There are so many, how many stones do you need?"

"There are not many other things in this stone town, but there are many stones. I heard that there is already a mountain where the stones are almost exhausted."

"A mountain?" Sheng Fenghua was a little shocked, a mountain of rocks.

"That's right!"

Just as he was talking, the car drove into the town and arrived at the town's armed forces department.Because of the increase in the number of migrants in Stone Town, the county specially set up an armed branch here to assist comrades in the police station to maintain order and safety.

People from the Armed Forces Department of the town have already received the call from above, and the place to live has also been arranged.Moreover, Lao Cai, the person in charge of the town, had already been waiting.

Seeing their car coming, a group of people came out to greet them immediately.

This time the protagonist was Sheng Fenghua, so when she got out of the car, the person in charge of the reception immediately came up to shake her hand and said, "Comrade Sheng, we are looking forward to you coming."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, and followed the person in charge, Lao Cai, into the house with Qin Feng.As for the other team members, they were ordered to go down to rest.

The people from the armed forces brought Sheng Fenghua and Qin Feng to the meeting room, then introduced the situation here, and showed Sheng Fenghua the information of those who died before.

Sheng Fenghua took the information and took a rough look.However, she couldn't make a judgment just by looking at these materials.

However, judging from these materials, those people did die suddenly.Sheng Fenghua tried to find something in common between them, but he didn't find anything big.I only know that these people are all quarry workers.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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