ace warm marriage

Chapter 1213 Strange Virus

Chapter 1213 Strange Virus ([-])

With that said, Brother Chen opened the courtyard door and let Sheng Fenghua and his party come in.Looking at the calm brother Chen, Sheng Fenghua's eyes flickered.

She could see clearly the panic that flashed in Brother Chen's eyes when he saw them just now.It seems that Brother Chen should know something.Or rather, he was involved in something.

Sheng Fenghua and his party were brought to the living room by Brother Chen, at this time several other security guards also came out of the room.When they saw Sheng Fenghua and the others, they were a little puzzled, and asked, "I don't know what you are doing this late at night?"

Before Sheng Fenghua could speak, the policeman spoke up first, and said, "We are investigating the cause of Wang Dagui's death, and I ask you to cooperate."

"Wang Dagui's death has nothing to do with us. We are just security guards. Did you make a mistake?" One of the security guards said a little displeased.In the past three months, many people have died in the quarry.Of course, it wasn't just people from one of their quarries who died, but also people from other quarries.

However, so far, no one knows how those people died.The higher-ups sent several people to investigate, but nothing was found.

And this night, it was the first time to ask them for questioning.

"It's just a routine questioning, please cooperate." The policeman said lightly.

The man wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Brother Chen, and said, "Okay, what do you want to ask?"

"What we want to ask is, on the day of the incident, that is, during the daytime today, where were you guys and what were you doing?"

The policeman asked the first question, and one of the security guards sneered and said, "Comrade policeman, your question is rather strange. Don't you know where our security guards are and what they're doing?"

"Answer the question honestly." The policeman glanced at the other party displeased.

"Okay, I'll answer honestly." The man said with some disdain: "Today we are on duty during the day and have been staying in the security booth. Is this okay?"

"The afternoon before yesterday, where were you?" The policeman raised a question again.

"The afternoon before yesterday?" Brother Chen and the other three security guards were taken aback, looking at the police.I was still asking about today's matters just now, why did I jump to the day before yesterday all of a sudden.

"That's right, the afternoon before yesterday. You should think about it carefully, and then answer after thinking about it." The policeman reminded, which made Brother Chen's face slightly changed, but he quickly recovered again.

The other security guards didn't change much, they were thinking seriously.

After a while, one of them said, "I didn't feel well the afternoon before yesterday, so I took half a day off."

The policeman glanced at the speaker and asked, "Is what he said true?"

Seeing Brother Chen and the others nodding, the policeman asked again: "What about you? What were you doing the afternoon before yesterday?"

"We are on duty." Someone replied.

"with whom?"

"There are three of us."

"Did Wang Dagui take leave that afternoon and go out?" the policeman asked, looking at Brother Chen and the three of them.

When the three of them heard this, their eyes flickered slightly, then they glanced at each other and shook their heads together.

Seeing the three shake their heads, the policeman's expression changed, and he asked, "Are you sure Wang Dagui hasn't gone out?"




"But Wang Dagui's co-worker said that he went out and brought back cough medicine. How do you explain this?"

"How do we know this? Maybe he sneaked out from somewhere else?" A security guard quibbled.

(End of this chapter)

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