ace warm marriage

Chapter 1216 Strange Virus

Chapter 1216 Strange Virus ([-])

To be precise, it is the smell emanating from Wang Dagui's blood.

If Sheng Fenghua guessed correctly, it was the smell of the poison on Wang Dagui's body.And what she has to do now is to determine what kind of poison it is and why it smells like this.

Sheng Fenghua stayed in the laboratory for a long time, until there was a knock on the door, and then she came out, and when she opened the door, it was Qin Feng.

"Did someone send it over?" Sheng Fenghua asked with a smile, Qin Feng nodded, and then looked at her looking hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Qin Feng with some puzzlement, and said, "Just say what you want."

"Fenghua, how can you be sure that person is related to Wang Dagui's death?" Qin Feng asked puzzled, thinking of Brother Chen who was crying for grievances all the way.

"Well, I can't answer you right now." Sheng Fenghua's words made Qin Feng stunned for a moment, and after looking at her for a while, he retracted his gaze and said, "Fenghua, everything must be based on evidence."

"Don't worry, I know." Sheng Fenghua knew what Qin Feng was worried about, and smiled.She never does things that are not sure, so what Qin Feng is worried about will not happen.

"Since you know what's in your mind, then I won't say anything more. Rest early, and you'll be busy tomorrow." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he went back to his room next door.

After Qin Feng left, Sheng Fenghua returned to the space again and got busy.An hour later, the toxic blood test came out.Sure enough, exactly as Sheng Fenghua guessed, Wang Dagui was poisoned by a rare poison, or a virus.

This virus has a characteristic, that is, after the patient dies, it will slowly volatilize over time.

This is also the reason why the forensic doctor did not identify the cause of the patient's death.Because at least half a day had passed by the time the corpse was delivered to the forensic doctor.

And the time that the virus stays on the dead person will not exceed four hours at most.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua went to see the corpse in time tonight, otherwise he would have missed the opportunity to discover the cause.

As for why Brother Chen had that smell, Sheng Fenghua speculated that it was probably because he often dealt with the virus, and he was a living person, so the smell would stay there forever.

After finding out the cause of Wang Dagui's death, Sheng Fenghua was in a good mood, and after he came out of the space, he didn't go to rest right away.She is waiting for Gong Rui's call.

According to the time, Gong Rui should have arrived by this time.

Sure enough, after a while, the phone rang, and it was Gong Rui calling.Sheng Fenghua connected the phone, and Gong Rui's voice came.

"Fenghua, I have arrived at the quarry, where are you?"

"I'm in town, just wait, I'll be there right away." Sheng Fenghua said while taking a coat, ready to go out to see Gong Rui.

No, Gong Rui said: "Fenghua, you don't need to come here, I'd better go see you. Just tell me the address, and I'll be there right away."

Sheng Fenghua thought about it, but did not refuse, and directly told Gong Rui her address.

After giving the address, Sheng Fenghua walked out of the gate of the Armed Forces Department and waited outside.After a while, a car drove over.

Jun Nianchen in the car saw Sheng Fenghua standing outside blowing the cold wind waiting for them, a flash of distress flashed in his heart, he opened the door and walked out without waiting for Gong Rui to park the car.

"Fenghua!" Jun Nianchen trotted up to Sheng Fenghua and called out softly.

"Why are you here?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised, he didn't expect Jun Nianchen to come too.

(End of this chapter)

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