ace warm marriage

Chapter 1218 Discovering Clues

Chapter 1218 Finding clues ([-])

"That's right!" Sheng Fenghua nodded. This is the peculiarity of this virus and the reason why everyone has been unable to find the cause of death.

"No wonder, no wonder." Lao Cai muttered to himself.No wonder the reason could not be found out before. It turned out that the virus would be volatilized after death.

"Fenghua, have you found out how this virus came from?" Gong Rui frowned and asked.

He was wondering if it was necessary to give the quarry workers a physical examination, otherwise they would die at every turn, and it was not a problem.

In the past three months, although the quarry's business was very good, it didn't make much money because of the dead.

He also wanted to know what caused the death of these workers.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Gong Rui and said, "This is another thing I want to tell you."

After hearing this, several people looked at Sheng Fenghua together.

"Gong Rui, there's something wrong with the security guard at your quarry, Brother Chen. I've told him to take him to the police station and lock him up."

"Brother Chen?" Gong Rui was taken aback, looking at Sheng Fenghua.He didn't know much about the following things, and he didn't know Brother Chen at all.

Now, Sheng Fenghua said that Brother Chen had a problem.It seems that he has to ask Manager Liu seriously.Moreover, judging by Sheng Fenghua's appearance, it doesn't look like he lied to them.If Brother Chen really has a problem, then he has to check his background carefully.

See why he wants to attack those workers.

"Yes, I don't know the specific name of the other party. I only know that other people call him Brother Chen. You'd better send someone to check his background."

"Okay!" Gong Rui nodded, immediately took out his mobile phone and called Manager Liu, asking him about Brother Chen.

Manager Liu received a call from Gong Rui, and after briefly talking about Brother Chen's situation, he decided to come in person, so that he could explain more clearly.

Soon, Manager Liu arrived at the Armed Forces Department. After taking a look at everyone present, he introduced Brother Chen's situation.It turned out that Brother Chen was not recruited by Manager Liu.Brother Chen was already there before he took over the quarry.

As for his name, no one knows.All I know is that his name is Brother Chen, and he is a veteran of the quarry. He has been in the business for six or seven years.

Calculated in this way, Brother Chen should have come here when the quarry was started.

"Manager Liu, what else do you know? For example, where is Brother Chen's home, and who else is there?" After Manager Liu finished speaking, Sheng Fenghua asked.

"I know this. I have been here for five or six years, and I have never heard that Brother Chen has a family, nor have I seen him go home."

"So he's been alone all along."

"It should be, and he bought a house in the town a long time ago, the kind with a yard. Therefore, he hardly stays in the quarry except for work."

"It seems that you don't know where Brother Chen went after get off work or who he met."

"do not know."

Asked here, Sheng Fenghua already knew it in his mind.

"Comrade Sheng, are you suspicious of Brother Chen?" Manager Liu is not an idiot either. After asking so many questions, Sheng Fenghua obviously suspected that Wang Dagui's death was related to him.

However, Manager Liu couldn't believe it.Brother Chen usually looks like a very honest person, how could he kill someone?

Sheng Fenghua did not answer Manager Liu's words directly, but said to everyone: "Tonight, I discovered something. That is, I smelled the same smell on Brother Chen as the deceased Wang Dagui."

 Thanks to Xiaoli and Free Flying for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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