ace warm marriage

Chapter 1224 Follow the vine

Chapter 1224

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help becoming worried, and while taking out his mobile phone to call Qin Feng, he followed Director Wu to the room where Brother Chen was detained.

When the phone was connected, Sheng Fenghua told Qin Feng about Brother Chen's escape, and asked him to contact him to see who was responsible for watching Brother Chen yesterday.

After Qin Feng hung up the phone, he went directly to check.Sheng Fenghua arrived at the door of the room where Brother Chen was being held.Glancing at the broken lock, Sheng Fenghua's eyes were slightly cold.

Obviously, the lock was broken from the outside.You don't need to think about it, it must be Brother Chen's accomplice.

After looking at the lock, Sheng Fenghua went into the room to check it again. After finding nothing, she went back to the door, picked up the lock and looked carefully.

After a look, she found something.The person who picked the lock was very professional, not inferior to a professionally trained person like her.

It seems that Brother Chen's associates are not simple.

After reading the lock, Sheng Fenghua decided to go to the courtyard where Brother Chen lived to take another look.They hadn't searched his room or yard last night.

However, before going, Sheng Fenghua made a special trip to the room where Wang Dagui's body was kept, to confirm whether the virus had really been volatilized.

Fortunately, the results of the inspection did not disappoint her.There is no trace of poisoning on the corpse at all, no wonder the previous forensic doctor did not detect anything.

After examining Wang Dagui's body, Sheng Fenghua told director Wu that he was going to visit the place where Brother Chen lived.

Director Wu agreed without saying a word, and specially asked the policeman from yesterday to accompany her.

The two left the police station, then went to Gong Rui and Jun Nianchun, and the group of four went to the courtyard where Brother Chen lived before.When I got to the place, I found that the door was locked and there was no one in the yard at all.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the locked courtyard door, turned around and said to Gong Rui who came with them, "Gong Rui, please ask Manager Liu to bring those security guards back."

"Okay, wait a moment." Gong Rui responded, then took out his phone and called Manager Liu directly.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Manager Liu came back with three security guards.Today, the quarry did not start work, and the workers were resting, so he asked the security guard who was on the night shift to cover it first.

After the security guards came back, they opened the courtyard door and brought everyone in.After entering the courtyard, Gong Rui and Jun Nianchen did not enter the house, the security guards pointed out Brother Chen's room and waited outside.

After Sheng Fenghua led the police to open Brother Chen's room, he looked around.Brother Chen's room is not very big, and there are few things in the room.

After a search, nothing of value was found.

No clues were found, Sheng Fenghua was a little lost, and after leaving Brother Chen's room, he wandered around in other places.

After a circle, except for the room of the three security guards, the other places were searched, but nothing was found.

Sheng Fenghua was a little unwilling, so he let the three security guards come in and opened the door of their own room.

At the beginning, the three security guards were still reluctant, but in the end Manager Liu told them a few words before agreeing to open the room.

The policeman and Sheng Fenghua each entered a room.Originally, Sheng Fenghua had given up hope, but at this moment, she discovered something.

It was a bottle with a cough herb planted in it.What Sheng Fenghua was concerned about was not the cough medicine, but the water in the bottle. It was not clear water at all, but emerald green.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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