ace warm marriage

Chapter 1232 Ancient Village in the Deep Mountains

Chapter 1232 Ancient Village in the Deep Mountains ([-])

Moreover, she intends to find out the truth first.If there is really a problem in that village, it will not be too late to let the armed forces and the police station go together.

"Fenghua, if we're just going to explore the way, or to explore each other's reality, I think it's better to go at night."

"Yes, sister-in-law. If we go during the day, we will be easily spotted."

"If we go at night, we don't know the way."

"What's the matter, we can just find someone to lead the way."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Lao Cai."

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.It would be better to have a guide. The equipment they carry is limited, and they have no way to locate the village in the deep mountains.

However, before letting Lao Cai lead the way, Sheng Fenghua decided to ask him first.If he doesn't know the way, it's unnecessary.

After Sheng Fenghua said his thoughts, Qin Feng immediately stood up and said, "Okay, I'll ask him."

Qin Feng went to find Lao Cai, and when Sheng Fenghua was about to divide up the work, the phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.After hesitating for a while, Sheng Fenghua pressed the connect button, and a somewhat familiar voice came from inside.

"Is it Comrade Sheng? I am the comrade of the Armed Forces Department who sent you to Stone Town that day. The matter you asked me to investigate has some clues."

"Oh, really, that's great!" Sheng Fenghua became happy when he heard that, and walked aside to answer the phone with his phone.

On the other end of the phone, the comrade from the armed forces department told Sheng Fenghua roughly what he had found out.He didn't check all those people, but only found the situation of two or three people.

However, that was enough for Sheng Fenghua.The words of the comrades in the armed forces confirmed Sheng Fenghua's intuition and guess once again.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with that village, otherwise, those who accompanied the county officials to that village would all have accidents.

Sheng Fenghua thanked the comrades in the Armed Forces Department, and then hung up the phone.At this time, Qin Feng came back, seeing Sheng Fenghua's expression was not very good, he couldn't help asking: "Fenghua, what's the matter?"

"Someone from the County Armed Forces Department called me."

"What did you say?"

"He said that those who accompanied the county officials to the village had accidents."

"What, is there an accident?"


"From this point of view, there is indeed something wrong with that village."

"Then we have to be more careful. When we go, we also bring our equipment, just in case."


"By the way, what did Lao Cai say, does he know the way?" Sheng Fenghua asked.

"Lao Cai said that he hasn't been to that village either, but someone in the town has. He's already gone to find him, so we probably have to wait a while."

"Okay, you all go to check the equipment, and I will also prepare some things."

"Okay!" Qin Feng responded, turned around and entered the room, and ordered the brothers to check the equipment.

After Sheng Fenghua returned to the room, he went straight into the space and came out with some poison.She put the things in the medicine cabinet and left the room.

After a while, Lao Cai came back, bringing with him a man in his 40s.

"Comrade Sheng, Comrade Qin, this is Lao Tian. He used to deliver things to that village. If you are going to that village, it is most appropriate for him to lead the way."

"Have you been to that village?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Lao Tian carefully. According to what the comrades of the county's armed forces department said before, something must have happened to Lao Tian.

But now, he is alive and well. Could it be that he is also from that village?

(End of this chapter)

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