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Chapter 1237 Experiment Base

Chapter 1237 Experiment Base ([-])

Following the leader's movement, the door slowly moved away.Behind the gate, there is another long passage.However, compared to the previous passage, it is not known how many times wider.

And this time, the passageway is all covered with marble.At first glance, it is as clean and bright as an underground shopping mall.

The leader walked alone on the passage, and there was no other sound except his footsteps along the way.

It wasn't until he came to a door again that two security guards appeared out of nowhere, and they shouted respectfully: "Boss!"

"Professor, are they still working?" The leader glanced at the two security guards and asked.

"Looking back at the leader, the professors are still working. They said that they have reached the most critical time and have no time to rest."

"I see, you go down." The leader nodded, motioned for the two security guards to retreat, and then walked to the door and stood there. A burst of infrared rays came and swept his face, and the door opened.

The leader walked into the gate, and inside was a laboratory where several men in white coats were busy.There are a lot of bottles and jars in front of each of them, and they are doing various experiments.

An older professor sat on a chair and kept typing on the computer.

The leader did not disturb the professors who were doing experiments, but walked up to the man who was typing on the computer, and shouted: "Professor Huang!"

Hearing the voice, Professor Huang looked away from the computer, then glanced at the leader, and said, "Leader, why are you here?"

"How's the progress?" The leader glanced at the computer and asked.Now that the People's Liberation Army is here, they must complete the experiment as soon as possible, otherwise if those people know the location of this underground laboratory, they will fall short.

That's why he came down the first time. He needs to know how far the virus research has progressed and how much time the professors still need, so that he can make arrangements.

"It's coming soon. It's finishing. If it goes well, it will probably be finished tonight." Professor Huang looked at the leader with a smile on his face, which is why they all worked overtime today.

After a long period of hard work, the virus they studied was finally completed.As long as this scientific research is successful, they will have endless money in their lifetime.

Therefore, this last step, nothing can be careless.

"Very good! You have worked hard." The leader was very satisfied with the result.It's past twelve o'clock now, and according to Professor Huang's words, it can be finished before dawn.

Therefore, as long as they block the PLA for five or six hours, they can evacuate with the virus.

When he thought that the research after several years would be successful, the leader was as excited as Professor Huang.

Hearing the leader's praise, Professor Huang was very happy, turned to look at the leader and said, "This is what we should do."

"That's fine, Professor Huang, you go ahead, I'll go out first. No matter what happens later, don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Hearing what the leader said, Professor Huang asked worriedly, "Leader, is something wrong?"

"Professor Huang, it's nothing serious, I'll take care of it. Your most important task now is to ensure the completion of the experiment."

Professor Huang saw that the leader was unwilling to speak, so he didn't ask further.For him, the first task is to complete this research.

Now has come to the critical time, we can't make the slightest mistake, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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