ace warm marriage

Chapter 1250 Becoming a Hostage

Chapter 1250 Becoming a Hostage ([-])

Those enemies who were farther away saw their comrades fall, and their expressions changed instantly, and they shouted: "No, that woman poisoned you."

"Kill her!" Someone yelled, and then a burst of gunshots rang out, and bullets flew towards Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing the bullets shot towards him, Sheng Fenghua curled his lips slightly and sneered.With a movement of his hand, he directly blocked the hostage in front of him.

In this way, all the bullets hit the hostages, but Sheng Fenghua was unharmed.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua was fine, but his own people were beaten into sieves, the people of the terrorist organization were extremely annoyed, and shot Sheng Fenghua again.

They couldn't believe it anymore, Sheng Fenghua could keep blocking with their companions.

Seeing that those people still didn't stop, and the hostages in front of him were already dead to the point of death, they couldn't stand up to those crazy bullets, Sheng Fenghua threw them down, and then dodged towards a corner of the wall. go.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't expect was that there was someone in the corner of the wall, and she just fell into the hands of the other party in such a flash.

Sensing the danger, Sheng Fenghua's face changed, and he wanted to retreat, but the bullets outside were still dense, and she couldn't go out, otherwise she would be beaten into a sieve.

If she doesn't go out, she can only fight against the person who was already ambushing in the corner.However, the person who ambushed him was also a formidable character, he was young, but he was very fierce behind him, Sheng Fenghua almost fell for him.

If it weren't for her rich experience, she would have become a prisoner at this time.

But even if this is the case, she can't delay the time any longer, otherwise, when those enemies surround her, she will really become a prisoner.

Sheng Fenghua was thinking while preparing to take out the poison.However, that man didn't give Sheng Fenghua a chance at all, and kept attacking her.

Unable to get the poison, and unable to deal with the young man for a while, Sheng Fenghua's depression can be imagined.At last she made up her mind and was ready to run.

So, after she gave the young man a false move, she turned around and ran forward.The young man watched, but didn't chase after her. Instead, he folded his hands on his chest. The old god watched her disappear gradually, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, evoking a weird smile.

Sheng Fenghua didn't think too much for a while, he just wanted to get rid of the trouble behind him as soon as possible.So, she increased her speed to the fastest and ran forward.

After running for a while, I didn't feel anyone chasing me, so I was relieved and planned to slow down.However, as soon as she slowed down, more than a dozen people quickly appeared around her, directly surrounding her.

Looking at the person who appeared suddenly, she finally understood why the young one didn't chase after her.It turned out that there were still people blocking the way ahead, and they seemed to be more difficult to mess with than the young people just now.

Seeing the people approaching him little by little, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to run back.The young man stood there all the time, looking at Sheng Fenghua who ran back, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he said, "Why are you back again? Run, keep running."

"You did it on purpose!" Sheng Fenghua stopped, talking to the young man while taking out the remaining poison on his body.

If those people catch up after a while, she can only repeat the old trick and poison them.

But to Sheng Fenghua's surprise, those people did not catch up, as if the people she saw before were just illusions.

However, Sheng Fenghua knew that it was definitely not an illusion.The reason why those people didn't catch up was because they were sure she couldn't escape.

(End of this chapter)

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