ace warm marriage

Chapter 1269 Someone Escaped

Chapter 1269 Someone Escaped ([-])

"Yes!" Leopard replied, turned and left.

Sheng Fenghua turned his head, and shouted towards Leopard's back: "Be careful! Someone probably escaped from the secret passage."

"Understood!" Leopard responded, looking for two teammates, and went to the leader's room with him, looking for the entrance of the secret passage.

After explaining the matter, Sheng Fenghua continued to ask the question: "How many entrances are there in the secret path?"

"Three." The leader hesitated for a moment, and spat out three words.There are not many people who know the secret way, they are him and Professor Huang, and the other is his father.

No one else knew of all the secret passage entrances except him and his father.

"Where are the other two?" Sheng Fenghua then asked.

"One is in the village chief's yard, and the other is in the underground base." The leader told the location, Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, and then he left the leader and hurried outside.

Before leaving, she pulled out the silver needle from the leader's body.

"Fenghua?" Qin Feng looked at Sheng Fenghua leaving in a hurry, a little puzzled, and called out.However, at this time, Sheng Fenghua didn't have time to pay attention to Qin Feng. She analyzed that if the enemy escaped, the only way was to go through the entrance of the village chief's house.

Because, whether it is under the leader's bed or in the underground base, they are all guarded, and it is impossible for the enemy to escape from those places.

Sheng Fenghua left the interrogation room and immediately went to look for the people in the village.She wanted to know where the courtyard where the village head lived was.

The villagers still got together and did not go back.They were locked up in a relatively large room by their comrades in the military academy. When Sheng Fenghua went, the villagers were protesting.

It's just that their protests were ignored.In order not to be disturbed, the two soldiers guarding the door directly plugged their ears with tissues.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, the two soldiers saluted her and said, "Hello!"

"I have something to ask the people inside." Sheng Fenghua explained the purpose of his coming, and the two soldiers directly opened the door and let Sheng Fenghua in.

As soon as Sheng Fenghua entered the room, the villagers closed their eyes and mouths, all eyes fell on her, and then looked at her warily.For some reason, Sheng Fenghua put an invisible pressure on them, which made them feel scared.

After Sheng Fenghua entered the room, he roughly scanned the people present.At a glance, she found that there was one person missing, so her face changed, and she turned to the soldier guarding the gate, "Is there another person?"

The two soldiers were taken aback by her question, they stared blankly at him, unable to recover for a long time, and said: "We have never left, how many people have been imprisoned, and how many people are there now?"

"No, there is an old man missing." Sheng Fenghua's face became ugly. She was deeply impressed by the old man, so she could tell at a glance that he was not among these people.

But the warrior guarding the gate said that no one left, that is to say, he was not among the villagers before they were locked in.

damn it!
Sheng Fenghua cursed secretly, then turned to the villagers and said, "Who is the village chief, stand up."

For a while, no one answered, and no one stood up.Sheng Fenghua repeated it again, still the same result.

Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but darken his face, and said, "I'll ask again, who is the village chief, stand up?"

Seeing her getting angry, a man spoke up and said, "Is the village chief not here?"

"Not here?" Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, and he asked eagerly, "Is your village chief the old man who brought you to cry?"

 I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling well today, so it's the fourth watch.

(End of this chapter)

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