ace warm marriage

Chapter 127 Understanding the situation

Chapter 127 Understanding the situation
Seeing that the man cared so much about his wife, Sheng Fenghua laughed, checked the other's wounds, there was nothing wrong with it, and then left.

Back in the office, Sheng Fenghua had nothing to do, so he took out the records of previous operations in the department and looked at them.

Looking at it this way, one morning has passed.Before Sheng Fenghua got off work, Dean Yang sent someone to find her for dinner.

Dean Yang was very happy to see Sheng Fenghua, with a smile on his face.

"Sheng girl, no one troubled you this morning?" Dean Yang asked with a smile.

"No." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and went to the dining place with Dean Yang.They did not eat in the hospital, but went to a hotel not far from the hospital.

Dean Yang should be a regular guest of the hotel. Everyone in the hotel knew him, and he was taken directly to the private room on the second floor as soon as he entered.

After entering the private room, Dean Yang sat down and said with a smile: "Sheng girl, I don't know what you like to eat, I ordered some signature dishes of this hotel, you can have a good taste later."

"Okay, thank you Dean." Sheng Fenghua thanked him and poured a cup of tea for Dean Yang and himself.

After a while, the waiter served the food.The taste of the dishes is not bad, and it is quite Hesheng Fenghua's taste, so she also eats more.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua liked to eat, Dean Yang finally felt relieved.He was also worried that it would not suit Sheng Fenghua's taste, so that she wouldn't be able to eat enough.

After dinner, Dean Yang chatted with Sheng Fenghua for a while, and learned about who she learned her medical skills from.

"I learned from the gods." Sheng Fenghua replied with a half-truth, making Dean Yang couldn't help laughing and cursing, saying: "Who are you fooling, girl? There are no gods now. If there are, you Introduce me to get acquainted, and I will also go to worship a god as a teacher."

"Dean Yang, you are a master yourself, even if you are a teacher, the gods will not accept you." Sheng Fenghua joked, and then changed the topic.

Dean Yang was not ignorant, knowing that Sheng Fenghua didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After chatting for a while, the two went back to the hospital.

In the afternoon, there was nothing to do in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Sheng Fenghua left the hospital early after obtaining the consent of Dean Yang.

After leaving the hospital, Sheng Fenghua did not go back to the army immediately, but went to an Internet cafe, surfed the Internet for a while, and learned about the situation of the pharmaceutical industry here.

She now has space and a laboratory with a lot of medicinal materials and her own medicines, which she wants to put on the market.

She deliberately picked a few large pharmaceutical companies and after learning about the situation, she planned to start her own company.She has no shortage of medicinal materials, nor finished medicines, but what she lacks is funds.

However, when she was about to leave the Internet cafe, a piece of news caught her attention, that is, in half a month, Beicheng will hold a large-scale auction, where anything can be auctioned.

Seeing the news, she immediately had an idea, so she copied down the address of the auction, and planned to pick a few thousand-year-old ginseng in the space to auction.

As far as she knows, thousand-year-old ginseng is a rare commodity, and each can sell for at least 500 million yuan.And she was going to send two of them.

If there is 1000 million, the start-up capital should be available.As for the working capital in the future, she plans to sell the medicine she made.

Sheng Fenghua left the Internet cafe with the address and got in the car back to the army.Halfway through the sitting, she realized that there was nothing left to eat at home, so she got out of the car halfway and went to the market to buy a lot of vegetables before going back.

(End of this chapter)

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