ace warm marriage

Chapter 1272 Hunting Alone

Chapter 1272 Hunting Alone ([-])

Si Zhanbei was moving very fast, getting closer and closer to the village chief and the others.The village head and his subordinates who were running away also heard the movement behind them, so they turned their heads and looked behind them.

At a glance, he found that it was Si Zhanbei in military uniform, his face became ugly, and he said to the driver: "Someone is chasing from behind, speed up."

"Yes!" The men responded and doubled the speed of the car.Before, because of the consideration of the master's physical condition, the speed was not raised to the fastest.

Now, there are chasing soldiers behind, if they can't get rid of it, it is very likely that they will fall into the hands of the People's Liberation Army.In order not to become prisoners, they can only fight.

Si Zhanbei saw the car in front speeding up, his expression changed, he adjusted the speed again, and chased forward.

The secret road is not very spacious, but for motorcycles, there is still room for development.In addition, his driving skills are very good, so he quickly shortened the distance between the two sides again.

"Hurry up, he's about to catch up." The old man urged again.

"Master, the speed of the car has reached the limit, and there is no way to speed up."

"Trash!" The old man cursed, then took out a pistol from the car seat, turned around and fired at Si Zhanbei.

Although Si Zhanbei was devoted to chasing people, his reaction was quick.The moment the old man pointed his gun at him, he leaned forward and lay down on the car.

Bullets grazed his body, making a grinding sound.If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he would probably have been shot.

The old man saw that one shot missed Si Zhanbei, and then he fired a second shot and a third shot.However, every shot was dodged by Si Zhanbei, which annoyed him very much.

Seeing the old man shoot himself again and again, Si Zhanbei also became angry.He pulled out a pistol from his body and shot it forward.

However, he fired a shot at the old man first, and then aimed a second shot at the tire of the car.The first shot failed to hit the old man, but managed to make him retreat into the car.

When the second shot hit the tire of the opponent's car, the opponent's car almost hit the wall.

"Master, it's not good. The tire is blown." The driver said to the old man while trying to stabilize the car.

"How far are we from the exit?" the old man was shaken by the car, a little dizzy, and asked in a deep voice.

If they were far away and there was no car to travel, they would definitely be caught.

"There are still about two miles to go!" The subordinate replied, then turned to the old man and said, "This car cannot be driven, we have to leave immediately."

"Okay, let's get out of the car and walk. However, there is no need to keep this car." The old man made a decisive decision and got out of the car

"The subordinates understand." The old man's men took out a time bomb from their body while talking, adjusted the time, put it on the car, then squatted down, and ran forward with the old man on their backs .

Si Zhanbei watched the enemy abandon the car and flee, with a very ugly expression on his face.He wanted to catch up with the enemy, but he didn't notice that there was a bomb in the enemy's car.

But when he was riding past the enemy's car, there was a sudden explosion, and the Si Zhan Bei Company and the car were blown out.

Then Sheng Fenghua, who was also chasing after him on a motorcycle, heard the movement in front of him, his face changed, he speeded up, and ran forward desperately.

He said silently in his heart: "Zhan Bei, don't let anything happen to you.

(End of this chapter)

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