ace warm marriage

Chapter 1283 Happy to be silly

Chapter 1283 Happy Stupid ([-])

After leaving the room, Sun Lin was still waiting outside.Seeing Sheng Fenghua come out, he smiled and accompanied her back to the ward.

Not long after returning to the ward, Jun Nianchen came to find him. Sheng Fenghua talked with Jun Nianchen for a while, but couldn't bear it any longer, so he closed his eyes and rested.

After leaving the ward, Jun Nianchen asked Sun Lin about Sheng Fenghua's situation, and asked, "Nurse Sun, what happened to Fenghua?"

Sun Lin smiled, seeing the worry in Jun Nianchen's eyes, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Jun, Fenghua is fine."

"It's all right? It's all right. How could she be unconscious? And I heard that she was in a coma for a long time." Jun Nianchen didn't believe Sun Lin's words. How could a good person be in a coma for so long?

However, Sheng Fenghua did seem to be fine just now, except for his tired face, there was really nothing else going on.

"That's because Fenghua was pregnant with a child, so she was unconscious." Sun Lin explained, but Jun Nianchen was so shocked that he didn't recover for a long time.

Sheng Fenghua was pregnant with a child?
"Mr. Jun, I won't see you off. Go slowly!" Sun Lin looked at Jun Nianchen in a daze, said something with a smile, and went back to the room directly.

Since the dean arranged for her to take care of Sheng Fenghua, it is natural to take good care of her.

Jun Nianchen didn't know how he left the hospital. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was that Sheng Fenghua was pregnant.

She was pregnant!

Regarding this explosive news, to be honest, he really couldn't accept it.But what can I do if I don't accept it?
Sheng Fenghua stayed in the hospital for seven days and was discharged with Si Zhanbei.After the two were discharged from the hospital, they went back to the military region, and then flew directly to City B.

Fortunately, the baby Sheng Fenghua is pregnant with is not very old, so there is no hindrance to flying.After getting off the plane, Sheng Fenghua didn't react for a long time when he saw the people waiting outside the airport.

Because, among those waiting, there were not only Si Zhanbei's brothers, but also Mr. Si and the two elders of the Ning family.

"Grandpa, grandma, why are you all here?" After regaining his senses, Sheng Fenghua walked up to several old people and asked with a smile.

"We're here to pick you up." Mr. Si had a smile on his face. When he learned that Sheng Fenghua was pregnant with a child, he was overjoyed.Immediately, he called and told the elders of the Ning family the news.

So, after knowing that Sheng Fenghua was coming back today, the few old people came to pick her up after discussing it.

"Grandpa, grandma, you are really..." Sheng Fenghua didn't know what to say, she felt very sorry that she, a junior, had troubled so many elders to pick her up.

"Fenghua, don't say anything, let's go home first." Mr. Si doesn't care what Sheng Fenghua thinks, as long as she is pregnant with the great grandson of their Si family, his heart is so beautiful that he is almost bubbling.

"Yes, yes, Brother Si is right, let's talk about it when we go home." Mrs. Ning supported Sheng Fenghua's hand while cooperating.

Seeing Mrs. Ning's actions, Sheng Fenghua was moved but also a little speechless.She is just pregnant, is it necessary to do this?
Shouldn't the person who should be supported be Mrs. Ning?

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua took his hand out of Mrs. Ning's and said, "Grandma, let me help you."

With that said, Sheng Fenghua helped Mrs. Ning and walked towards the car parked in front together.

Seeing that the two left first, Si Zhanbei chased Sheng Fenghua and said, "Daughter-in-law, slow down, slow down!"

(End of this chapter)

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