ace warm marriage

Chapter 1285 Happy to be silly

Chapter 1285 Happy Stupid ([-])

"Yeah, Fenghua, they will only make you mess up when they come here. If you really don't want to live at home, then we'll find some nannies for you, so that even if you live in your own home, you won't be left without someone to take care of you."

"That's right, Fenghua, your parents are really not suitable to come here. I'm worried that if they come, they will not only fail to take care of you, but will drag you down instead."

"Grandpa, grandma, you have misunderstood. The parents I am talking about are not the adoptive parents in Shengjia Village, but my biological parents."

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the elders of the Ning family were startled, looked at her and said, "Wait, Fenghua, what did you say?"

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the elders of the Ning family, and then said, "Grandpa and grandma, you heard me right, I'm talking about biological parents."

"Fenghua, are you kidding me?" The elders of the Ning family couldn't believe it. Sheng Fenghua had clearly told them before that her biological parents were no longer there.

But today, she told them again that her biological parents were still alive.If this is really the case, doesn't that mean that their son Ming Lie is still alive?
"Grandpa, grandma, I'm not joking." Sheng Fenghua looked at the agitated elder with a serious face, and comforted him: "Don't be excited, you two, listen to me slowly."

Mr. Si also looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise. He had also heard that Sheng Fenghua was the third son of the Ning family, that is, the daughter of Ning Minglie.

However, at that time, it was said that both Ning Minglie and Sheng Fenghua's mother had passed away, and he felt sorry for the Ning family couple for a while.But now, Sheng Fenghua said that her parents were still alive. What happened?
"Fenghua, hurry up, tell us what's going on?" Although Sheng Fenghua told the elders not to get excited, it was about his son, how could he not be excited.

"Grandpa and grandma, it's like this..." Sheng Fenghua roughly explained what happened. When they knew that Ning Minglie had undergone plastic surgery, Mrs. Ning couldn't help but burst into tears.

Her son has been handsome since he was a child, so why does he need plastic surgery?It must be that the injury was too serious, so there was no way to do it.

Moreover, as Sheng Fenghua said just now, another reason for plastic surgery is to avoid enemies.Fortunately, now, the enemy family has been resolved, otherwise, even if the Ning family tried their best, they would have to seek justice for Ning Minglie.

"Okay, okay, old lady, don't cry. It's a good thing that my son is still alive. It's a great thing." Mr. Ning is also very distressed about what happened to Ning Minglie.But he is a man, so naturally he won't cry in front of everyone.

"Yeah, grandma, don't cry. My parents are still alive, you should be happy." Sheng Fenghua also persuaded from the side, seeing Mrs. Ning crying, she felt very uncomfortable.

Under everyone's comfort, Mrs. Ning slowly stopped crying, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Fenghua, can you tell us where they are now?"

"They are still in City G. They will come over in a few days after the affairs over there are settled. And my father said that he owes you too much. After he comes over, he will settle here."

"Okay, okay, it's good for them to come back and settle down. Our family will be reunited in the future." Hearing what Sheng Fenghua said, Mr. Ning was very happy.

If Ning Minglie can come back, their Ning family will truly be reunited.

"Congratulations, brother Ning." Mr. Si was happy for the Ning family and his wife. His son, who had been missing for more than 20 years, was finally coming back.

(End of this chapter)

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