ace warm marriage

Chapter 1287 Parents Return

Chapter 1287 Parents Return ([-])

"I'm going to ask Fenghua about that." Mr. Ning looked at Sheng Fenghua with a smile on his face.He felt that Sheng Fenghua was the little lucky star of the Ning family. When she came, not to mention his illness, he also gave the Ning family a granddaughter. Now even the son who had been missing for many years was found.
"Fenghua?" Everyone's eyes turned to Sheng Fenghua, wondering how she found her father.

Before, they remembered clearly that Sheng Fenghua told them that Ning Minglie was no longer there.Not only is he gone, but his wife is also gone.

But now that Ning Minglie is still alive, does that mean Sheng Fenghua's mother is also alive?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Sheng Fenghua smiled and said, "Speaking of which, it can't be considered that I found it, it was my father who came to find me first."

"What, he came to you, what's the matter? How could he come to you? Could it be that he knew you were his daughter?"

Everyone in the Ning family looked at Sheng Fenghua curiously, wondering how Ning Minglie found Sheng Fenghua.

"The thing is like this. Didn't I send my parents back to Shengjia Village last time? When I was looking for my life experience, I met Dean Liu of the hospital in the town. At that time, my father was recuperating in Gujia Village, and I happened to meet He had an illness, and after President Liu knew that I was a doctor, he asked me to see my father."

"So, he recognized you?" Madam Ning asked a little excitedly.

"No!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head and said, "At that time, my father was not only sick, but also lost his memory. So, he didn't recognize me at all at that time."

"What, amnesia?" Everyone looked at Sheng Fenghua, and the doubts in their hearts were finally solved.No wonder, for more than 20 years, Ning Minglie has not returned home, it turned out that he lost his memory.

"Yes, he lost his memory. He didn't recover his memory until some time ago, and then he came to City A to look for me."

"Didn't you say he had plastic surgery? You believed him when he said he was your father?"

"Of course not. I believed him when he said something about my mother."

"What, your mother found it too?" Except for the elders of the Ning family, the others looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise.When Mr. Ning called before, he only said that Ning Minglie was still alive.Unexpectedly, Sheng Fenghua's mother was also alive.

It seems that the Ning family is really going to have a big reunion.

"That's right!" Sheng Fenghua nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Fenghua, how did you find your mother?" Mrs. Ning asked with a smile.

"It's a long story, so I'll make it short." Sheng Fenghua roughly told how he found Ye Qingge.When everyone in the Ning family heard that her mother had been imprisoned by the bad guys for more than 20 to [-] years, they were all angry and blamed themselves.

Although the Ning family is not a big family, but it is a century-old family, but it is really unreasonable to let their relatives suffer so much.

"Grandpa, grandma, these things are in the past. We should look forward, don't you think?" Seeing the sadness and remorse of the two old people, Sheng Fenghua comforted with a smile.

No matter what her parents have been through, as long as they are well now, that is enough.

"Father, Mom, what Fenghua said is right, we should look forward." The two brothers of the Ning family also persuaded the second elder. The third younger brother is coming back, which is a good thing and should be happy.

In the past, they were sorry for their younger brother, did not help him, and made him suffer so much. Then they can help them more in the future to make up for the shortcomings of these years.

(End of this chapter)

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