ace warm marriage

Chapter 1292 A family reunion

Chapter 1292 Family Reunion ([-])
After hanging up the phone, Sheng Fenghua told his parents that the second elder was coming home.

When Ning Minglie heard that his parents were coming, he felt a little excited.He has not seen his parents for 21 years, and it is absolutely false to say that he does not want them.

It's just that before, he lost his memory and didn't even know that he had parents.Later, after recovering his memory, he had a lot of things to deal with, and there were still hidden dangers that had not been removed, so he didn't dare to see them, for fear of bringing them danger.

Now, he's finally getting to meet his parents, which is great.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang, and Si Zhanbei got up to open the door.As soon as the door opened, Mrs. Ning was the first to walk in, her movements were so quick that she didn't look like an old man at all.

Mr. Ning took a step back, also looking anxious.When I think of my son who I haven't seen for more than 20 years, I can finally meet him, and I am naturally excited.

Walking into the living room, Mrs. Ning saw the man standing up.Although his appearance had changed, she recognized at a glance that he was her son.

Because the look in his eyes didn't change, she recognized him immediately.

"Minglie?" Madam Ning stopped and called out Ning Minglie's name.

"Mom!" Ning Minglie yelled, and strode towards Mrs. Ning. I haven't seen her for more than 20 years, and my mother is already old.

The white hair on the head looks sad.

"Ming Lie!" Mr. Ning walked to Mrs. Ning's side, looking at his son walking towards them, his eyes were moist.

"Dad!" Ning Minglie saw Mr. Ning, and then shouted.

"My son, my son." At this moment, Mrs. Ning couldn't control herself any longer, and directly hugged Ning Minglie.

Her son, who had been away for more than 20 years, finally came back and returned to her embrace.

"Mom, mom!" Ning Minglie hugged Mrs. Ning, his voice choked up.

Madam Ning also started to cry afterward. She was very happy that her son was back.

Ning Minglie hugged Mrs. Ning for a while, and felt that her emotions gradually calmed down, so he let go of her, and then opened his hand to Mrs. Ning, giving him a hug.

Compared to his mother, Ning Minglie's hug time for his father was much shorter.Almost hugged, then let go.

Turning around, he held Ye Qingge's hand who had walked to him at some point, and introduced to the elders: "Dad, Mom, this is my wife, Qing Ge."

After introducing Ye Qingge, he introduced his parents and said, "Qingge, these are Dad and Mom."

"Dad, Mom!" Ye Qingge yelled, Madam Ning looked at her face similar to Sheng Fenghua, laughed, then took off a bracelet from her hand, grabbed Ye Qingge's hand, and put it in.

"Qing Ge, take this bracelet as a gift from your mother."

"Mom, you can't do it, you can't do it." Ye Qingge said as he wanted to take off the bracelet.I don't want Mrs. Ning to hold her hand directly, and said: "Qing Ge, you are the daughter-in-law of my Ning family. Mom just gave you a gift, why can't you do it?"

"Mom, I..." Ye Qingge was about to say something more, but Ning Minglie who was at the side spoke up and said, "Qingge, since Mom gave it to you, then you can accept it. It's Mom's wish, don't refuse gone."

After Ning Minglie had spoken, Ye Qingge had no choice but to accept the bracelet, and said, "Thank you, Mom!"

(End of this chapter)

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