ace warm marriage

Chapter 1300 Mi Bug Life

Chapter 1300 Rice Worm Life ([-])

Before, several old people watched Si Zhanbei and the others go out, and they were still chatting in the living room.They felt that with Si Zhanbei around, Sheng Fenghua would be fine.So, while chatting in the house, they listened to the movement outside.

When Mr. Si said that Sheng Fenghua was vicious and asked Si Zhanbei to divorce her, he couldn't listen anymore, so he walked out.

For this confused daughter, Mr. Si was also speechless.He was also a child of the Si family, so he couldn't figure out why everyone else was so sensible, but when it was Si Muyuan's turn, he became like this.

Yes, because Si Muyuan is a daughter, he dotes on her more, but he also spends time teaching her.But the end result was to teach a brainless daughter.

"Dad, you yell at me too." Si Muyuan looked at Mr. Si with an aggrieved expression, she didn't feel that she had done anything.

Originally, no matter what era it is now, who would bring poison around.But Sheng Fenghua brought it with her, and even poisoned her.

In any case, she is an elder, and it is disrespectful to poison her.How can a person who is disrespectful to his elders be a good person?
"I'm not only going to yell at you, but I'm going to beat you too." Old Master Si was so angry that he raised his crutch to hit Si Muyuan.

In the past, he pampered this daughter too much, and today he is going to wake her up.In case she bites Lu Dongbin like a dog, she doesn't know a good heart.

Si Muyuan saw that her father wanted to beat her in front of so many people, she felt ashamed and wronged.

She stared wide-eyed at Mr. Si with tears in her eyes.Everyone protects Sheng Fenghua, and everyone hates her, so let her be beaten to death.

However, when Mr. Si's crutch was halfway up, it was blocked by someone.It was Mr. Ning on the side who grabbed his crutches, and said, "Brother Si, calm down, calm down. Mu Yuan is so old, if you have something to say, how can you do it?"

"Brother Ning, you saw it just now. Does she look like someone who can talk well? Besides, it's not like I haven't told her about her, but when did she listen?"

"Take your time."

While persuading Mr. Si, Mr. Ning said to Mr. Si Muyuan: "Muyuan, there are some things that Uncle Ning can't say. But what you said just now is really too much. It's fine if you have a prejudice against Fenghua, but you can't say that. She, she is not the kind of person you said."

"Uncle Ning, ask her to see if she poisoned me, to see if I wronged her?" Si Muyuan said, pointing at Sheng Fenghua after listening to old master Ning.

"Muyuan, I believe in Fenghua." Mr. Ning said with a serious face.He didn't believe a word of Si Muyuan's words.He knew what kind of person Sheng Fenghua was.Even if she doesn't like Si Muyuan anymore, she will never poison her.

Seeing that Mr. Ning didn't believe her, Si Muyuan became angry again, directly pointed the finger at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Sheng Fenghua, do you dare to say that you didn't poison me?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Muyuan, but said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Si Muyuan became more and more arrogant, and said: "Why don't you speak anymore, because I'm afraid that everyone will know that you are a vicious woman, so you dare not admit it."

After finishing speaking, Si Muyuan turned her head to look at Mr. Si again, and said, "Dad, have you seen that she dares to act or not, she dares to poison me, but she dare not admit it. How dare you treat such a woman like her?" precious."

(End of this chapter)

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