ace warm marriage

Chapter 1311 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1311 Embarrassing things during pregnancy ([-])

Moreover, he was still in a place where he was not familiar with, and the supplies were scarce, and he had no money on him.

"Mom, you've worked hard!" Sheng Fenghua hugged Ye Qingge, full of gratitude in his heart.My mother is great, and under such conditions, I didn't give up on her.

Ye Qingge smiled, did not speak, put his hand on Sheng Fenghua's head, and stroked it lightly.Her eyes were a little dazed, as if she was remembering something.

The mother and daughter leaned against each other quietly, without speaking for a while.It wasn't until half an hour passed that Ning Minglie still hadn't come back. Ye Qingge became a little anxious and said, "Why has your father been away for so long and hasn't come back yet? I remember there was a store selling stinky tofu on the pedestrian street. "

"Mom, don't worry, wait a little longer. Dad may be delayed on the road. It's the rush hour for getting off work, and it's easy to get stuck in traffic."

"It's possible, I'll heat up the food first. You can watch TV by yourself." Ye Qingge told his daughter, got up and put the food on the table to heat up.

Sheng Fenghua sat on the sofa and didn't move. She knew that even if she went to help, her mother would not ask her to help. It would be better not to argue than mother and daughter to fight over this.

Ye Qingge had just heated up the food when Ning Minglie came back.He entered the room and directly brought the stinky tofu he bought to Sheng Fenghua, and said: "Fenghua, I bought stinky tofu, try it to see if it suits your taste."

"Thank you Dad!" Sheng Fenghua thanked, then opened the package, put a toothpick in his mouth and tasted it.It tasted really good and whetted her appetite.

"Delicious!" Sheng Fenghua looked at his parents who were looking at him and laughed.

"Eat more if you like it. Dad bought a lot." Ning Minglie finally felt relieved when he saw that Sheng Fenghua stopped throwing up and ate happily.

"Yeah!" Sheng Fenghua nodded desperately, eating non-stop.Soon, she ate five or six yuan.I don't know why, the more she eats this stinky tofu, the more she loves it.

Seeing her like this, Ning Minglie was a little amused. While watching her eat, he persuaded: "Slow down, I'll go buy it after I finish eating."

"No need, these are enough." Sheng Fenghua said vaguely while eating.

"Minglie, let's eat!" Ye Qingge yelled when he finished heating up the food, seeing Ning Minglie sitting aside and watching Sheng Fenghua eat.

"Come on." Ning Minglie replied, then got up and went to eat.With his father no longer watching, Sheng Fenghua ate faster.

Fortunately, she bought a lot of things, she ate them all in one go, and then leaned on the sofa contentedly.It's going to be so much more comfortable after just throwing up my stomach.

After resting for a while, Sheng Fenghua packed the bags and boxes, and then went back to the room.

After she entered the room, Ning Minglie, Ye Qingge and his wife began to discuss, saying: "It seems that Fenghua likes to eat stinky tofu very much, we should prepare some at home."

"If you put this smelly thing at home, it won't stink up the whole house."

"It's okay, just use some air freshener when the time comes. Otherwise, my daughter won't eat the cooked food, and she will vomit uncomfortably. How can her body cope with it?"

"Okay, listen to you. I'll buy some more tomorrow and put them in the refrigerator. When she wants to eat, I'll take them out and heat them up."

The husband and wife had dinner, cleaned up the dishes, sat in the living room and talked for a while, then went to take a shower, and then went back to the house to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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