ace warm marriage

Chapter 1313 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1313 Embarrassing Things During Pregnancy ([-])

After a while, she saw a child holding some kebabs in his hand, eating with relish.

Sheng Fenghua walked up to the child and saw the child eating happily. He was greedy, so he couldn't help swallowing.

The child stared at Sheng Fenghua with his eyes wide open.Seeing that her gaze had been fixed on the mutton skewers in his hand, his expression changed, and he ran away quickly.

Sheng Fenghua was about to ask him where he bought the kebabs, but before she could ask, he had already run away.Looking at the background running far away, Sheng Fenghua was speechless.

Turned around and was about to leave.At this time, a voice suddenly entered Sheng Fenghua's ears: "Mom, that auntie wants to eat my mutton skewers."

Sheng Fenghua looked up and saw the child before that holding his mother's hand and looking at her, feeling very embarrassed.After hesitating for a moment, she still walked towards the two of them.

The child watched her coming, and immediately hid behind his mother, as if Sheng Fenghua was a scourge.That's right, in a child's world, isn't the person who wants to rob him a scourge?

Seeing Sheng Fenghua approaching, the child's mother frowned slightly, looking at her with defensive eyes, as if Sheng Fenghua would really steal her child's food.

How could Sheng Fenghua fail to see that the other party was his enemy, but still asked: "Hello, elder sister, I would like to ask, where did you buy the mutton skewers for your child?"

The child's mother thought that Sheng Fenghua wanted to ask her for mutton skewers, but she just asked where to buy it, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time knew that her child had misunderstood Sheng Fenghua.A smile appeared on his face, and he said, "It's not far from here. When you leave the community, turn left and you'll see it."

"Thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked the child's mother, and then walked towards the gate of the community.Seeing her go, the child came out from behind his mother and asked, "Mom, did I misunderstand her?"

"What do you think?" The child's mother glanced at her child and said, "In the future, no matter what happens before you figure it out, don't jump to conclusions, understand?"

"Understood, Mom." The child nodded, then took his mother's hand and went home.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, after leaving the community, followed the path pointed by the child's mother to find the mutton skewer seller.After walking for a long time, she smelled the smell of roasted lamb.

Walking along the smell, I saw a long queue walking in front of a small stall from a distance.Sheng Fenghua roughly counted, there are more than ten people.

If it was normal, Sheng Fenghua would definitely turn around and leave when he saw so many people.But today, her footsteps were involuntarily heading towards the long line.

Sheng Fenghua formed a long line behind, moving forward bit by bit.Fortunately, the kebabs were served very quickly. After about 15 minutes of waiting, it was Sheng Fenghua's turn.

"Girl, how many skewers do you want?" A bearded man who grilled lamb skewers asked Sheng Fenghua.

"Twenty sticks." Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and said.Originally, she wanted to buy more, but she didn't know how it tasted, so she didn't dare to buy more.

"Okay!" The uncle happily responded, and then counted twenty strings for Sheng Fenghua to dress up.Fortunately, she brought money with her when she went out, otherwise she would have no money to buy food if she wanted to.

After Sheng Fenghua took the mutton skewers, he immediately took out a skewer and tasted it.A taste, the taste is really good, very authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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